How'd it go today?

I'm beat. We've been moving offices this week, so I've worked a lot of late nights, and also on the books, we've got a lot of big projects going on this month. A co-worker and I had to go to Richmond and get some of the parts kits today, so that was another day of stuff around the office that did not get unpacked. I get home today and my mom tells me, I'm going to have to put in a new HVAC unit in, since the furnace is shot and parts are not available anymore... there just went my plans for a personal vehicle.

I also get the joy of working on a Saturday. Looks like Jason's gonna hit a 60 hr week. :D

Andy. sorry about your dag, man. :(
Glad you're OK Carl. Things can go wrong in a hurry. Good job wearing that seatbelt. Too bad about the dog Andy, and the heater Cybergeek. I cleaned my "new" motor today and tried to start it. It's not getting any fuel. I have tree work to do tomorrow so I won't be back on it until Mon.
TGIF, another 5 hours and I am outa here, it been a long week.

Got one of my lift partners comming out tonite and going to see if we can't clear up a problem that this little saloon has down the road has, heard through the grapevine that the beer cooler was way to full as well as the spirits shelf over stocked. We should be able to remedy this in short order.
Steve, the injectors can be a pita to set up on that motor. Also, one problem I had was that the fuel filter had collapsed due to the vaccuum pressure and blocked fuel flow. The truck ran like crap, smoked and wouldn't rev up.

But with a used motor swap, obviously you're going to put a new filter on it anyway. Just get the one with the steel core so it won't collapse inside.
Sorry to hear about your dog Andy!

Dogs come to mean so much to us they are like children. Im afraid when that day comes for me I'll sob like a baby.

Carl! My man. Glad to hear you are alright. Take it easy the next few days. Like B says, you'll be feeling it more the next few than you do today.
Hopefully you got a good supply of Vicadin or something to take the edge off.
Carl, Glad it wasn't worse.

Andy, My sympathies about your canine friend. Dogs and cats don't live long enough.:cry:

Jason, My sympathies.

My day tried to suck but it couldn't quite manage it. Took a Cottonwood out too cheap and dug outand B&Bd a Spruce.-Bad investment considering they could have bought a container grown tree and had me just kill this one for only a few dollars more but the lady is sentimental so I did my best. Her son is coming to pick it up tomorrow.
Sorry about your dog Andy :(

The amp and subs are held in place by the rear seat, both hidden from sight. The rear seat was ejected from the Jeep leaving nothing holding them in place.

John, I'm taking 2400mg of Advil a day for the next 5 days per the doctor's orders. Presently my arm/shoulder isn't hurting terribly much at the present.
Just wait a few days Carl!!! It will catch up to you, it did me about you're age!!! I wrecked a truck, no seatbelt, cut my chin open (why I wear the goatee) and banged my knees up, no biggee. Two days latter, the ring from the steering wheel showed up on my chest. A day after that it REALLY started to hurt!!!!!!!! It's funny how that works when you are young!:)
Jeeps.......................... Well, it's best I not even get started on my feelings towards them!!!!!

Glad you came out as good as you did Carl:thumbup:
The rear seats aren't adequate "supports." You need nutz n bolts! That flying shit can kill you!
the crew planted some big cedars today, had to teach them that gravity is your friend when unloading very heavy rootballs. :D
but its a hedge! client bought the trees and wants instand hedge so they wanted them planted root ball to root ball. considering the root balls were 2 1/2 feet in diameter, that wasnt so easy to do. heavy buggers.