How'd it go today?

called 911 for the first time today, watched a nasty wreck on my way home today, hopefully everyones OK, won't post pics because I'm not sure if anyone got injured or not

forgot my wheel chock at the landfill, dropped the dump trailer to dump the truck and just forgot to pick it up so I had to go get new ones
found this dude up on trash mountain
I’m sure road posting are coming soon for us. I generally don’t worry unless I’m in the crane
My shop is in the middle of a class B road that gets down graded to 8 tons. So no trailers, no chip truck. Ugg!I hope that the rain on Tuesday will thaw the frost.
You are too far south to know posted roads. It’s a weight restriction as the roads thaw. It could be a week it could be two months, you just never know.
Heavy-truck traffic could break the pavement when its underpinning is weak from thawing during mud season.

And unpaved roads could be trashed too for the same reasons
Had a small crane accident at work yesterday. No injuries, thankfully! I don’t know all the details and I am being intentionally not specific about the location. Let’s just say a tall tower under construction and a walk behind crane setting windows. Somehow the crane tipped or rolled out the window opening.