How'd it go today?

No real plans. I've wanted a decent chunk for awhile just to hold onto. I really like the unique trunk shape and density. Might be cookies. Might be tool handles. Maybe micro shelves or a cutting board. I'm gonna grab a little stem on my next trip out, and I'll see how it holds up for file handles. I usually make mine from oak branches, but ironwood would be interesting.

These days i"ve been bringing home more and more pieces of interesting and or potentially useful wood. #woodisgood
Got rained out in forest lakes, which is cool but also sucks. So off to the woods I went. All was quiet and peaceful, then this dickhead showed up. He's shooting the bank of the wash, parked maybe 50 yards from me. My patience is wearing thin. Quickly. 20240726_143032.jpg

Update: I left. Whilst doing so, I pulled up got his attention and to him "little rude don't ya think? Pulling up on my campsite and shooting"
"I'm sorry, i..."
"You've got a whole damn forest, and you didn't even look at me. Put those guns away and work on your situational awareness."
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Had a long talk with the boss the other day. I think we're on the same page now. We shall see. He made the right noises, and he knows what's going to happen if he doesn't toe the line.

Anywho, got to work in forest lakes again yesterday. Set up our zip line first thing, and FRIGGEN SLAYED IT! Five whole trees down the slope by 17:00(local), and we didn't get out there til almost noon.

Might go out there today, maybe tomorrow. View attachment 140217

Phone is being a bit glitchy, sorry about the pics
Glad it seems like you’re going to get what’s due!
So I scared the customers cousin. It was a dead red oak over a deck not very big or tall but on the edge of a steep hill with punky limbs, all two of them. Rig out the limbs nice and soft on the rope. Get down to the last trunk section to rig and balance tied it so to save on drop distance. The chunk comes straight down headed towards the railing the cousin starts screaming like a teen age girl at a Beatles concert. Then last minute the chunk turns flat missing the railing by several feet. We laughed and I said “ should I have hit the railing?” We laughed some more.