How'd it go today?

I guess that's an hydraulique pump, so the unbalance can be discarded. Probably not a bent shaft nor a bad bearing.
It would be nice to have a pic of the other parts and some measurements because it's hard to tell what goes where with certainty ( perspective and different pics) and the system looks a bit strange to me.
The pump's mounting looks fine, excepted being trashed in the inside by some of the bolts coming loose. The main suspect for me is that the circular plate is bolted to the engine by two rows of four bolts:
The outside row holds the pump's mount and the circular plate at the same time.
The internal bolts' raw is the problem, beside coming loose: the plate has no support under these bolts against the load created by them. I only guess for the respective diameters, but for me, there's a gap between even the inner peripheral support and the threaded mounts on the casting ( the closest ones to the shaft). I'm not very clear. The plate vibrates under the bolts, so they cant keep their tightening torque and come loose.
What is the purpose of this plate anyway? A dust protector ?
As a solution, if you ask it, I would suggest, either suppress the internal row of bolts (actually I don't find their utility) or reduce the OD of the plate to make it fit in the deepest circular recess. With the second solution, the external bolts' row holds only the pump's mount, the internal row holds alone the circular plate, but with a real tightening.

For which engine is this cylinder head with the giant valves?
The problem with the hydraulic pump is the plate circle which is an adapter from the bolt pattern on the engine to the conical aluminum mount for the pump was apparently hacked out by hand. I’m sure it doesn’t hold the pump concentric/straight with the engine. He’s lucky nothing else is broken…yet…that we know of. We will make a new plate with the inner and outer locators precision machined in the same operation so that it is perfectly concentric.

The big valves I had installed in the heads for a Pontiac 350 for my ‘71 LeMans…now I need to put the engine together.
So, what do you do when town reopens after a fire? Music on the green! Family friend and his band Soul Galaxy, he's the drummer.
This venue was canceled because of the fire. But some favors got called and some strings were pulled. Lay on the grass under some trees and celebrate our town not burning down.
Last night...
I had my 5+ hour flight to Boston yesterday morning and then I got a ride to my new apartment in Quincy. It's not as modern as my old apartment, and it's a bit smaller, but not by much.

I currently have no furniture, so I'm sitting on a lawn chair and an air mattress. And two lamps. Trying to figure out the best place to get a full size bed frame and mattress. My old apartment had a queen, but that was only because my ex would sleep over sometimes. Here, a queen would just waste valuable space.

Other than a bed/mattress, I'll need a bureau, a TV table, a couch, and a project table for filming knot/hitch content. I think I've figured out an ideal way to arrange everything, too.

This place also has a pool and a gym, which is always good. My old complex had a really nice pool, and a gym, but I never used them. I'll probably start using the gym here, though.

Slept pretty terribly last night. Some how a beatle got in and it kept buzzing around. I tried to kill it, but it escaped. As of this morning there is no sign of it, so I'm hoping it died or something.

Going to do some shopping today for stuff that I need with my father. Moving is such a massive pain. I'm happy to be home and now I need to secure a job somewhere. I don't think it has fully set in that I am back in Massachusetts.
Buying used(be VERY cautious with textiles!) will save a ton of money, but you have to be patient getting everything assembled. Also, Ikea.

Wood, bricks, cardboard and fabric can go a long way on the cheap
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Phone is committing not life. Much hard typing. Must buy new phone with no money after blowing everything on my girls. Love everyone. Be safe.
Maybe if you slap your phone around a bit, take it down a few pegs, and let it know who's boss, it might start functioning properly again. It's a method common among technicians (lol).

Seriously, though, sounds like perhaps you got a virus. Are there any updates to install? If your operating system is outdated, then sometimes something known as planned/programmed obsolescence can occur.

In some cases, notification may be combined with deliberate artificial disabling of a functional product to prevent it from working, thus requiring the buyer to purchase a replacement. It helps big tech make more monies.
I'd delete all unnecessary files, turn off animations and the like, keep background apps to a minimum, and restart the phone. Clean the screen well too.
I posted about my new internet phone, and I went into more detail than necessary, cause I thought it was pretty good deal. Thought someone else might be interested. If so, checkout Visible by Verizon. If their network's decent in your area, you can get a good mid range phone, and decent service pretty cheaply.
Blow down city for me. Nasty mess!
We were watching the five man crew nextdoor hand drag everything up hill to a chipper that would pour smoke out the engine compartment every five minutes, no chip box just a dump with short sides. I kinda felt like a rockstar stuffing the chipper with the mini. Sign on the truck says they are lawn care, working too hard for that money. Half of the crew was bent over sucking wind when we left.
I never fully realized how difficult it is to continue my usual diet without a microwave. Won't have one until Thursday and I bought all this frozen food from Walmart yesterday, along with new cookware.

Made a pizza in the oven last night and right now I'm preheating the oven for baking some pizza bites. Ovens are just slow as shit. Microwaves are quintessential for rapid heating/warming of foods and liquids saturated with H2O.

I'm honestly bored as all hell without my wifi and, even once I get wifi, it's really weird to be living next to my family again.

My Type A father is already trying to organize my days, but I'm rolling with it because a) he has cars and I only have a mountain bike and b) he's being very financially supportive, and so I'm willing to do all of the side missions he has set aside, like bringing his and my mom's crap up into the loft over the garage with a sketchy ladder ingress c) while also bringing down a TV table he says I can use for my apartment.

I dunno. Moving has me feeling pretty discombobulated. Seeing clouds and feeling humidity is kind of depressing at a subconscious level, but mostly I just need to get through filling my apartment with furniture and get a job. Sleeping on an air mattress is pretty crappy, but it could be way worse.

My father wants me to go to his house by train and/or bus on Thursday. And then he'll drive me home with my new microwave and TV table. This will be my first test run of going from my new apartment to where the bird sanctuary is next to my parent's house using public transport.

My father was like, "you'd better not climb trees at your new apartment!" I was like, "I'm not! Don't worry!" And then, internally, I was like, "I'm gonna climb trees by your house! Narny narny narrrr!" They'll never catch me! 😈
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Toaster oven's probably my favorite appliance, though workday breakfast relies on the microwave. It's convenient throwing some sausage or a breakfast sandwich in the microwave, and doing something else til it's done.
Blow down city for me. Nasty mess!
We were watching the five man crew nextdoor hand drag everything up hill to a chipper that would pour smoke out the engine compartment every five minutes, no chip box just a dump with short sides. I kinda felt like a rockstar stuffing the chipper with the mini. Sign on the truck says they are lawn care, working too hard for that money. Half of the crew was bent over sucking wind when we left.
Might be a failing drum bearing. We had a hard time figuring that out once because the smoke would stay sucked inside the chipper, and the exhaust also exits into the drum area, so we that it was an engine problem. Could also be an injector timing problem.
Once our microwave broke, I was done with the idea of rearranging molecules in my foods and drink to carry me faster into being a cancer patient.
All natural heat now and teaching the kids about the fine art of recreating leftovers.
I really doubt microwaves are that harmful. I had a dentist tell me to be wore worried about microwaves than x-rays, when they didn't use the lead blankets anymore. Microwaves mainly just heat stuff, while x-rays are more destructive than UV, and litterally blow apart molecules. Cell phones and other radios, maybe even radar runs on microwaves. I call it induction heating for food. Possibly a very efficient means of heating food, like an induction forge.
Maybe so. But food just tastes better cooked conventionally.
I can't taste the difference, but I can feel the difference. The texture of baked and flame heated foods is more desirable than the microwave. Especially for anything with a crust or breading. But, for what it's worth, microwaves are pretty safe.

Microwaves use non-ionizing radiation, which moves atoms in molecules but doesn't remove electrons, and the amount of radiation they use hasn't been linked to an increased risk of cancer.

The FDA's Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH) also sets and enforces standards to ensure that microwave ovens don't leak more than 5 milliwatts of radiation per square centimeter at a distance of about 2 inches from the oven.

So just don't press your forehead up against the window of your microwave lolol
Our microwave is used so little it's put up between uses on a pantry rack, but i often use one at work to warm up leftovers.