How'd it go today?

I used to slap whatever latex paint leftover I had then found Anchorseal. Since I air dry most of the slabs, it helps a lot. I skip the paint if I drop, mill, kiln dry within a week but it is rare.
Been away a while. Was in California - son-in-law in the hospital twice; four days, then another three. Low hemoglobin. Three units of blood and multiple iron infusions and it’s still low. Home s day and developed a blood clot and cellulitis, so back in to treat that. Have not found a gastrointestinal bleed; looking at digestive disorder causing malabsorption, and hematology causes.
Flew home for a friend’s memorial service.
A young man whose friends with my next door neighbors family wanted to climb yesterday at dusk. I had spurred up a black cherry in my yard to exercise, practice, and check out the dying canopy. The tree has been falling apart over the past 8 years but there’s no targets, so……🤷‍♂️. We’re going to set a date where he can do some spurless climbing along side me on a tree with a wide canopy where he can move among the limbs.


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I'm having a good day so far. I've been a lot more optimistic as of late. I'm having my girlfriend over to my apartment this evening and that's always a fun time. We're going to hit the dispensary for some edibles and then probably continue watching The Black List (highly underrated show) on Netflix. I have a fair amount of cleaning to do. My climbing gear was impeccably organized about two weeks ago and now it's all over the place (except I know exactly where everything is). My organizational skills have always needed some work. I'll be focusing on that for the next several hours before I hop in the rain box. I paid a fellow Treehouser an extremely reasonable sum of money to make me two custom spliced hitch cords, but they're a birthday present to myself so I can't open them until March 8. They're in the mail right now and I'm pumped. I wish I had a time machine. I'll be making some kind of video on my YouTube channel to show them off for sure. Have I mentioned I like hitches and hitch cords?! =-D
Nothing wrong with clutter. I operate best in clutter. It's a natural sorting mechanism. Stuff you use often is closer than the stuff you don't use much. As long as you know about where the thing is, it's all good.
Played around with swings and bombing out of the tree. Got to “run” across the trunk with my body in the horizontal position. That was a lot of fun. Tried bombing out kinda horizontally with my feet a little above my head. Also a lot of fun.
Fell asleep..but before I did, seemed a pretty good programme, looking for flight 19, properly and all, minimal hype. They found another ship of the era, loaded with Ddt!!
New home owner doesn't want chickens. Reasonable new, and well-built coop and chicken yard.

Altunamatted in for the coop, 3 trees to come out from the same spot, easier with the coop moved to my house, out of the way.

Used the mini/ trailer and some screwed-on boards to jack it up, moved the boards to the bottom of the posts to become skids, winched onto the trailer, and rolled out.

Aiming to get it setup up for spring chickens at home. 20230211_145725.jpg 20230211_154634.jpg 20230211_162651.jpg 20230211_162840.jpg