How'd it go today?

Stripped a group of 4 pines yesterday making a gin pole out of the largest. Then set lift rigging in a live one by the driveway. Stayed tied into the tall one and had the two smallest down , next largest down to 12 feet, gin pole left to negative rig down smaller and all the brush chipped. Most all the duff and all the chips hauled out. No dingo BTW.
So today we negative blocked a large portion of the gin pole down to where I could drift pieces toward the driveway using the live tree. Lessen my shock as the climber. Upper logs were lighter since it was dead. Plenty of sap down low. Once the pole was down to 8' for a carver, we switched to lifting. Parked the flat trailer next to the tree, winched the logs up with the portable winch and then lowered what we wanted for the mill, onto the trailer. All else turned to fire wood for the HO.
Cant wait to tell him maybe 4 more are dead. 2 definately dying. Oh looky. Zelle payment :D
Two estimates on the way to pick Lilly up from school sold too. I am feeling productive.
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Now that he paid, I have him in my DM. He is trying to convince me to come back tomorrow and do two more trees. Request denied. I have booked him a new slot for maybe 4 that will be dead or dying. Explained that the crew has already been released from the job and moved on. That he MUST NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES add any more landscapefeatures, irrigation, plants, trees etc until after we have them down. That he has already cluttered the work zone on the edge of workable already eliminating tractor access. Gonna cost ya bud.
I am impressed at how quickly my little grinder is eating through big cedar stumps ( soft wood)... my last favorite task was actually enjoyable.
I had more I could have chainsawed off, but it was easier to grind and leave the mulch rather than cut and haul blocks.

The stumps were hidden in blackberries and brush, surprising me after the HO cleaned out the area. A lot of erosion exposed a lot of buttress roots over the years.

Barely dragged 2 logs of my neighbor's metal decked car trailer that I barely pushed on. He dumped another load of logs from his dump truck. My chip truck is still full of logs... it's getting ridiculous. Might have to get a large portable mill service in for a day to deal with it.

IMG_0519.jpg IMG_0520.jpg .
slept the day mostly away.

Drove up around 6 pm to a little town bar to drop off a couple "stage" shirts for a friend and his son who still play out performing

They didn't get to see the shirts until they were finished with their show, & called, waking me up, around midnight to thank me. :|:

Couldn't get back to sleep the rest of the night, so made up for it today.

Now my sleep schedule is probably screwed up for quite a while (months usually).

ah well, welcome to the night shift...happens every Winter.
Pizza and movie night with the kid.

Cleaned the house and covered my numerous stacks of lumber with greenhouse plastic I bought, but hadn't gotten around to opening.

I have a hoop house to finish for dry storage. Frame is partially up, plastic is here. Gotta get a round tuit.

Had a pediatrician appointment for an ongoing headache. Not enough hydration and tight muscles, I think.
I've been dubbed "Clear and Copious Kroll" on my restoration/ conservative crew in Nevada. The other parent is not good with hydration for herself or D.
What's annoying is being sick has become a foreign experience. Aside from getting /something/(very similar to this actually) a couple years ago when I got overheated at work, I haven't been sick since I quit smoking at the beginning of 2009. I was starting to think I transcended illness. It's hard to accept being *normal* D^:
