How'd it go today?

Well, I'm glad I have awesome guys. Got to train these guys to the very best of my ability. I hope I dont forget anything. Its kind of nerve wracking. Not as much as it could be though. Hope y'all are great today.
When we clearcut that stand of Doug fir last week, some senile idiot misheard the order.
The mill didn't want 22 meter logs, but 18 meter.
So guess which senile idiot spent his morning clambering all over a log deck, cutting 4 meters off every log.
Since Denmark is flat, we don't highline logs out but use a skidder.
Add our usual wet fall climate to that and you have EVERY stick covered in mud.

So the senile idiot almost filed a new 20" chain down before he had them all done.

Sometimes being hard of hearing really sucks!!!!!
That sucks. Aside from having to recut, and thrashing your saw, did you lose much money from logs you lost cutting long?
The forester and I go way back.
In fact he used to be my boss before I went Gypo 18 years ago.
So there was no hard feelings.
He has a local Woodmizer guy who will buy the 4 meter pieces, so we will be paid for those as well.
When we clearcut that stand of Doug fir last week, some senile idiot misheard the order.
The mill didn't want 22 meter logs, but 18 meter.
So guess which senile idiot spent his morning clambering all over a log deck, cutting 4 meters off every log.
Since Denmark is flat, we don't highline logs out but use a skidder.
Add our usual wet fall climate to that and you have EVERY stick covered in mud.

So the senile idiot almost filed a new 20" chain down before he had them all done.

Sometimes being hard of hearing really sucks!!!!!
Those are really long preferred lengths. Does the mill re-buck prior to sawing lumber?
That's my plan on the full barn. I have a better handle now on how to support structural items. We will have to replace all of the support poles...some are still holding but some rotted off underground. They look fine but have slowly sunk as they rotted.

I will let my son weigh in on how he thinks we need to proceed...he does better at construction "stuff" than I do. I'm pretty good at wrecking things, one of the definitions of treework...he does well constructing.
Hazard removals today. Got a few pics on the company phone. 120 yards of chips and would’ve been a log truck load except we were hauling on a 10 ton deck over. Broke the springs with the second load. I asked the guys what the load weighed? No idea. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if they would’ve asked the crane op while he was loading them? I paid attention on the first load. Second load I was busy packing my gear up and and letting the boss know what got accomplished.
Back for one more tomorrow. This one will take a while. Lifting over the primaries.
Drama free afternoon chunking and loading out wood, after a walk and lunch with my gf.

My neighbor took a heavy load on his car trailer. Back for another tomorrow. Great to have lots of wood for his well- equipped shop. Warm for both of us to work in, and heats his house, for 5 people. Ezpz win-win.
You do a crazy amount of work Rich. Amazing how much your crews do. I would probably lose my mind trying to keep it alll going. Kudos Mang

I took an easy day today.
Waited for the ground to dry out a little and got the 4X4 buttoned up and tools transferred. Ran to get propane for the torches tomorrow. Finally wet enough to burn. I was supposed to start that big black oak I set aside three days for. Too damn wet. Like trying to skate on ice and mud. So put it off. HO don't much worry as I always follow through. Want to get the mistletoe out of it now that the leaves are off. Easier to see.
So burning it will be.
It was wet enough today, but they were forecasting wind events that never came to fruition. :dontknow: Better safe than sorry and I really needed to get that truck back on wheels. One stand sank 2".
Crazy scheduling ahead. I feel it.
38 ton altec. Not huge but big enough for what we’re doing

Very nice.

I started out in crane work with a 23, then a 26, then a 33. The 33 seemed like an absolute beast to me, the picks it could make, and the weight of the truck crushing a few driveways here and there. These days we use a 55 for 90% of everything and the 33 seems like a toy :|: