How'd it go today?

Shutdown week is over. Spent many hours this week chipping Corian mix off the area catwalks and rails and supporting frames with needle scalers (or descaler?) and air hammers. Was wearing 2 pairs of anti-vibe gloves and my hands still hurt.
You say easy fix, I say I'm bummed out that the previous owner must have used this little truck to do his best Lee Majors Fall Guy impression. Yeah a little 600 degree preheat 6010 root pass, 7018 follow up with fish plates to disperse the stress. Just more work that I wasn't expecting 😅
Up to my issues, I would take quite a few risks with nests like that.

Since then I’ve come down and walked away at cost to myself (days money and employee’s wages lost)

No choice, and neither has he.

Mick, please refresh my memory about your run in with stinging insects that necessitated big changes. Thanks
Got two multiple sting events in the same summer, on the second one I had the reaction just like Biggun’s mate.

Never had an issue before that.
You say easy fix, I say I'm bummed out that the previous owner must have used this little truck to do his best Lee Majors Fall Guy impression. Yeah a little 600 degree preheat 6010 root pass, 7018 follow up with fish plates to disperse the stress. Just more work that I wasn't expecting 😅
600 might be a tad high for preheat 400 would be better IMO and make sure you don't have square corners on the fish plate.
Got two multiple sting events in the same summer, on the second one I had the reaction just like Biggun’s mate.

Never had an issue before that.

Spoke to Joe this morning. They let him home after a few hours of observation. Still tingling a bit and has to carry the epipen from now on.

I was never stung by a wasp/bee/hornet as a kid and then one day, clearing vegetation on a cliff side had me trampling a nest. I was stung 18 times, at least that is what the missus counted. I was tingling from head to toe. Last a day or so and then nothing. That was about 16 years ago. No idea what would happen if I was stung these days.
I'm another who carries an epi pen for wasps. I got stung so many times over the years that may body built up an intolerance.
Makes for an exciting time when a nest gets disturbed.
600 might be a tad high for preheat 400 would be better IMO and make sure you don't have square corners on the fish plate.
There is more talent, knowledge and skill in the proverbial pinkie of this forum than all other tree work forums combined. Thanks for the gentle correction and reminder of what I have been taught before by amazing professionals and subsequently forgotten the finer details of the lessons. Yes 400 it will be and rounded diamond fish plates not square angles with the lines of stress!
Epi-pens are prohibitively expensive with a 2-pack going for $650-$700 ... That’s insane! Fortunately there is a generic substitute called Adrenaclick available at local pharmacies for 109.99 2-pack