Pulled vines from the bucket all day and do believe I'll have my first outbreak of poison ivy by morning

Last week we blew a hydraulic line on the bucket while working over a neighbor's roof. I tried cleaning it with Dawn, then Purple Stuff, but there is a noticeable stain still showing up. It's about a 15' by 15' area on the garage portion of the roof. The guy's been ok about it, and he sees that I've been making a valid attempt to clean it, but now he says he's having a roofer come in to assess the situation. Looks like I may have to spring for a new roof.
Try Simple Green?
(yeah, you've all gone to bed dirty more than once).
If I have done that, I can't remember doing it. No way I'm hitting the sack w/o bathing first - I wouldn't be able to sleep.
BTW, would the correct way of writing K-9 be: "K-9" or simply "K9" ?