How'd it go today?

Butch, jump out there and getcha one.

Sure enough, woke up to rain this morning as expected. Heavy thunderstorms and tornado warnings are on the way. I'm fine with camping out at the hotel today. The free breakfast & dinner at Drury Inn is above average anyway. Tomorrows forecast is intermittent rain. I should be able to find a clear "window" to make it on over to Louisville.
Day went well, 1 of 2 workers showed up but we still go tthe job done, today was day 3 of an installation job. pics in the other thread.
I had the windshield replaced in the big truck today. A crack started a week ago and has been growing a couple inches per day. The service guy did a great job and insurance covered it with zero deductible.

Tonight I finished my tax return on TurboTax. My income is up, but so are my taxes. I'll have to increase my estimated payments this year by about 30%.
did better than half of the pruning on a 3 day commercial job today, removed a large hanger 65' in a laurel oak that was about to smash a house.
Took a good oak lead out today that the power co bumped me from doing after the recent storm , so two weeks later power dropped at 9 call them by 330 power just back on at 11 WTF! And I'll have to deal with them again in a few weeks. Blast them over this sheet now or be nice and pray they get it together for the next time??? Probably make myself heard in case of fridge losses and to show my dislike for the UN professional way this scheduled event happened
Thanks for rant privileges be safe and enjoy the view and excitement!
Most of the time I can manage without involving the power company or their line clearance hacks. Call me arrogant but I feel I'm a better saw man than most of the guys I've seen working line clearance. I don't work around power lines every day but I am comfortable enough with it to just handle whatever needs to be handled.
Got to work late today since the trailer lights decided to frig up. Spent the morning at NAPA tracing wires and redoing some of it. Did a quick run through at home and found a couple issues and thought we had it solved until there were no lights at all on the truck either due to fuses popping :lol:
Oh well.. Took the Willys to work again today to extract wood. Spent most of what was left of the day climbing live oaks and taking out hangers left from the storm. Then dropped sticks that needed dropping. Got paid. Signed up more work and took home over a cord of wood. :) I have more to pick up on the way by Monday.
Tried out the delay bake setting on the oven today and baked a turkey while I was at work. :)
Came home and Kat had already pulled it out. All I had to do was make mashed taters, gravy and a veggie. Been craving turkey for a couple months.
Paper work is done and I think I am going to take my tuckered out butt to the shower and bed here soon.
Took A. J. and one of his classmates to the Shrine circus, what a frigging SCAM! $5 a kid, COOL! $15 ea. for adults? $7.50 a beer, $5 for popcorn, $5 for a pop, $5 for cotton candy? Then at "intermission" they charge for elephant rides, a pic with a snake or to slide down an inflatable slide. Never mind all the crap they spew out during the show trying to convince the kids to guilt the parents into buying the cheap lighted crap they are selling for $15 a pop so "their side" of the arena can "win" the light off contest.
REALLY? It comes down to this? Yes. I am disgusted!

I think my Bradford is done for as well, not sure (whatever!)


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I offered my services to two brothers that were TDing a palm with a rented lift and a dull Wild Thang. They declined.
What sucks was that it was one of the best looking palms in the area. Quite a waste. It just needed to be trimmed, that's all. Instead, the stupid homeowner wanted it gone. Idiot.
I had a friend, good guy (died in a fishing boat accident). He dug a pond and hit gravel with water seeping out. He showed me, and thought it was a good thing - water would seep in and fill his pond. I explained to him that water would also seep out. He didn't buy it. After it wouldn't hold water he had to pump it out, dig it deeper till he hit clay, and line the whole thing with clay. It didn't have much natural runoff, so he would rent a pump for a weekend and pump it full from the creek. Very questionable water quality. I told him how I would go about getting water from the road ditch to the pond. The runoff was from unused brush land and a hay field - good quality. He wasn't interested. I was telling the guy that lived across the road (contractor) my idea. He said he told him the same thing. Now, if two people with some experience both tell you the same thing, wouldn't you think it is probably a good idea. Maybe he thought it was a conspiracy.
So far so good today. Took down two rotten oaks along a busy road this morning. Had to dodge high voltage lines running in two different directions right next to the tree, ended up flipping the boom over and ducking under the wires in order to get the top worked down on the biggest one. Home for a quick lunch then I'm off to chase hangers on a big Catholic church property this afternoon.
I finished up a job this AM that another climber started. I got the call - he's cut hand and they needed me to climb up and finish the cut: the crane was still attached. Poor fella cut the back of his hand twice, pretty severely. I'll be climbing in his place monday.