We finished a job we have been working on since fall, the weather has stopped us for long periods.
Removed 7 trees, stumps and all and took down 44meters of fenceline, consisting of 3 different old fences between the clients property and 3 neighbours.
Today we finished putting up the new 6 foot high board fence. Everything was going good , sun was shining, the fence was arrow straight and looking real fine,when one of the neighbours came out and started complaining that the new fence was 4" ( yes four frigging inches!!!) too far over his property line.
Of course he didn't see fit to mention that when we were ramming the new fence posts down, nope, had to wait till almost all the board had been nailed in place.
I had found two official property dividing posts and set the fence line so it intersected both, so he didn't really have a case.
Problem was, he just kept going on and on and on. When I asked him if we should cut the fence down and move it 4", he wouldn't really answer, just kept saying that it was in the wrong place and it would cause trouble later when he had to sell his house.( Like we all know, first thing prospective buyers do, is have a surveyer come in to check if the fences are in the right place)
Finally my temper was getting the better of me, so I told my client that we would go have lunch and he could deal with the a......!
When we came back everything was ok, seems like the guy just needed to complain, didn't really want anything done.
But he sure managed to ruin an otherwise fine day for me.
Sorry, just had to went!
Thanks for listening