How'd it go today?

Thanks Stig, I'll check them out.

Up early today, met the carpenter at the house. Got some more done, one more short day of interior framing and that'll be done. Kitchen designer coming tomorrow to finalize the design with measurements.

Ashly an I picked up that clawfoot tub in the ghetto. Walked away without it then the guy came running back saying he'd take my offer. Just looked underneath, made Feb. 4 1916. I think that's awesome.

Just got a call from another tree/logger guy. Looking for a cutter on a selective logging site for a couple weeks. He picked up logs from a job I did last year for an excavator buddy, and said he liked what he saw I guess. See what happens, it'd be fun to be in the woods for a bit.
They do. I want to get a bunch of other standard T's as they cost a little less for others.. Plus a couple flexfit hats embroidered, so I'll have the local guy do them all.

I'll auction off a good one come spring.
Today was unseasonably warm. I cut out the old canes in my raspberries and trained and pruned my grapes. I also started removing the leaves I left under my trees and on top of our planting beds.
Cleaned up the prunings from the apple orchard at my job site today. The customer spreads his money out some with different companies and I admire that. He had my old landscaper boss prune out the trees (100 - 150 year old) and we got the clean up. Then we continued the brushing and tree thinning for the grant. Finally uncovered the ponderosa (?) I spoke of earlier. Not as tall as some, probably just under 100 feet, but man does it have limbs and girth. I will try and get picks tomorrow. I have also spoken with the HO and he is good for a rec climb and Wraptor demo in the tree. Volunteer fire department has expressed interest. And I know some in the valley (Josh and Jesse come to mind) that have not got to ride one yet. Maybe Steve, Paul and I can put something together in the near future. Cost of using the dudes tree will be taking out the significant dead wood that would have to anyway for the demo for safety. ;)
Imagine pondo with 20 foot plus limb walks... :D Could be fun :)
Just got out of the shower from a quad/sxs ride tonight. Road for ~3 hours in mud/swamps with about 10 vehicles. I was having one hell of a time riding around in the water at the end, the deepest water of the night. That hole actually claimed one quad, had to be towed back. Since I don't have snorkles, I had to ride a wheelie in the deeper parts (up to ~4')to keep my intakes high and dry. Of course not 20' from the bank as I was exiting the water I managed to get my belt wet. I slowed down too much in water too deep and the water went through the CVT exhaust. Ripped on the throttle a few times to blow it out, and while everyone else was making the crossing, I stood the bike up to drain the water.

Sounds like we're riding again tomorrow, hopefully I'll have some pictures. I had a chick keep my phone since she wasn't likely to get as wet as I.
I took the concealed class yesterday, shot a revolver and passed. Even if I never carry, I will have the right too. I was surprised, there were 3 women in there.
Yes, I did. John sat in with me and even though he already has his license, he enjoyed it as well. They have a range there so we shot a his guns for a little while. The glock has a laser on it that makes it easy to hit the target. BANG.
You don't have to specify the "semi" part. ;)

Pistol packin' mama!!!

Gigi, It is of course your choice...but I think you ought to carry. If you do you will probably never need it(predators seem to sense the aura of confidence around the prepared and avoid them) but if you do it could save your life. Armed good guys and gals are very good for our society.
My cousin has been working on this grader for 13 months. It's almost finished, and as you can see he got the brakes working.

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Well yesterday afternoon i got something in my eye and i was a dumby and rubbed the heck out of it and i ended up scratching my eye. So after about 24 hours it is feeling a lot better.

Im starting to pack up now for the Ohio ISA Conference in columbus, ohio. I will be gone monday and tuesday, im traveling up with my dad. Should be a good time, I'll get lots of pictures for you guys.
Worked both days this weekend. Yesterday grinding a few stumps and shoveling in a bunch of other stump piles that were ground on Friday. Had my friend Josh there to help me with that. Today I drove the work truck around a lot with Dad, and we delievered some firewood and made a quick $100. Been chilling here at home for a few hours now. Might mess around with some of my gear. We're trying to set up some easy tree work for next weekend, so it should be fun!! Been at least a month since I've done tree work. Looking forward to it!!