Rough day, really easy day, but it sure hurt!
Decided I'd heard Bubba cough enough, and I wasn't feeling all that great either so I went out to buy a whole house humidifier. Not the one that ties into the heater, they can cause major mold issues, but a stand alone unit. Never would have thought that would be so damn hard!
Went to Lowes, all they had left were the single room units. Walmart, single room units, same at Home Depot. No love, even after checking on line, all gone!
Ended up at Sears, in the mall, they had them, but my dumbass didn't grab a cart because I didn't think they'd have any! Then I had to carry the damn thing all through the mall and out to the truck. Just about killed me! Not heavy, but a big box!
Today is the Heathen's birthday, he's six if you can imagine that, it's hard for me to! Mama took the day off and he had a nice party at school. Mama thought we needed to go out for dinner for his B-day so we go to Red Lobster. I can't make anything easy it seems!
Get there, he orders his drink, wife gets water and I order the "Titanic Jack and Coke". The waitress looks at me dumbfounded and I tell her it's in the computer, just type it in. Get our drinks, bread, appetizer and salads, all goes well. Get my entrée, baked potato is rotten, just bad! I tell the waitress just to let her know, a bad potato runs it for me, I don't want another.
Damn place goes defcon 5! Two managers and three waiters come running over to make it right! "Guys, I'm good, just wanted to let you know, that's all!" Everything from a free desert to broccoli was offered to make it right! I've never seen anything like it before!

Finally got them all calmed down and finished dinner. I went out to warm the van up and they knocked $15 off the bill! I'm not arguing, but really, it was alright, things happen!