How'd it go today?

No, going to take old muffler in and have it tweaked to fit, then take new one back. Everything else looks like it should drop in place!
My brother told me that the first low flow toilets were notorious for this and the latest generation of toilets work better. The one I got meet the Government standards plus has a flush rating of 10 out of 10. It cost me about $137 and an afternoon of yuckiness. So far no one in the family has challenged it so I'll withhold the final review.

Glacier Bay Elongated Dual Flush

I just did a 20 hr shift running a plow truck non stop. About 24" fell. It was topped off with my Toyota not starting when about to go home. Engine is full of snow, no road were plowed on the way to work, notta one.

Im beat, talk to ya'll today! van is dead in the driveway (again) it dosen't even have 7500 miles on it yet, oh what a feelin'.

Storm damage from 6am to midnight...home to shovel...bed at 1 am still not completely dug out.

Back to work today there are still neighborhoods that we haven't been to....6 contracted bucket crews, three log trucks today. FUN, FUN, FUN!
As I look out my window we seem to be getting some preciptation in the form of snow .In a short while it appears that plowing out the drive is the first order of the day ---after more coffee that is ---You have to keep your priorites in order .
Bren, I had an early 80's Toyota 4x4 (22R engine) , no snow ever beat that truck, whats yer prob? :D

None of the roads were plowed yesterday morning, with about 15-18" of snow. I made it to the shop but the wheel wells inside the engine are filled with snow, I'm thinking something got wet as there is electrical box on the passanger side.

It was starting, but would die quick.
Got it.

I think the Throttle Positioning Sensor was loose. I cleaned out a bunch of snow, heat gunned some sensors, nothing. Blew hot air into the intake plenum thought maybe frozen fuel in the injectors, nothing. Last thing was disconnecting and reconnecting a couple sensors, bingo.

I need you stop by Brendon. My plow truck is running like a POS all of a sudden. 2000rpm idle and missing all over the place? I'll have to have a look at it this evening as I'm for sure plowing in the a.m. again.
Seriously Paul, do you think Brendon has ever owned an old spark plug wire? :P Would probably have been Armoralled anyway.:lol:

When I went in to work yesterday I had my sisers Grand Cherokee. Hopped right over the huge bank on the side of the road and went through about 18". Then it made it back up the hill and over the bank again when I decided I should really be back at the farm running the Kubota.:D
I have to admit, I'm a bit lax with the Toyota. It's got a hell of a body on it though, just cancer in the tailgate. One of the best bodies I've seen of the year. Inside is messy as hell, I just change the oil and get on with it really. I will wash it and jax it up a few times a year, not nearly as often as the work stuff.

I figure it's easier to get a new DD gas job at some point, then to replace the old diesel Ford.
Yeah, B, that was some wild snow storm. I was out shovelin with Pat who was plowing. Crazy amounts of snow for around here, like 30".
yesterdays job. what a beautiful day! also, ash from a few days ago. no work today, work for tomorrow (crane removal of dying canary palm), but next week looks bare so far:( IMGP0180.jpg IMGP0177.jpg
^ Looks good! I have to say, that is the first F-650 (or F-750) Chip truck i have seen, i love the color combo!

Well i met another tree guy today, he owns a small tree company in cincinnati (his name is treevet over on Arborist site). He has a BMG for sale, it is in pretty good shape. I just gotta run some numbers and see if my wallet will allow me to buy it.
Hehehehe... white walls.... Special factory option available only north of the Mason-Dixon. :lol: