How'd it go today?

Ya know who you are out there, but I don't take kindly to beating on a woman. 2nd year outta school working the bush staying in a ratbag motel (out of town job) I busted a door down and stopped a domestic dispute that was going badly for the woman. In the end I was nearly charged and had to pay to fix the door :( . The worst part was once I got my hands on him she was begging for me to let him go, messed up world. Still can't bring myself to look the other way when bad things are happening, probably be my downfall one day but it's who I am.

Extreme you're a lean mean treekilling machine, maybe you should have a talk with your neighbor instead of the landlord eh?
I hear ya squish and I appreciate your efforts to combat the evil world. Who you talkinga bout in the treehouse that like to blacken his wifes eye?
I'm talking about whoever might be, member or knot. This topic strikes near and dear to my heart, I have no tolerance for it. And for what it's worth if everybody would stand up more often and do the right thing than the world would be a better place.

I'm not knocking on you Robert just trying to say that certain types of behavior should not be tolerated and what you described happening to your neighbor is one of those.
Went down to our apt complex office and put in a complaint about my neighbor beating his wife with a coat hanger i suspect.

You weren't watching "Mommy Dearest" were you...

On a serious note... I put a guy through a wall of a bar once when he slapped his wife. Broke his nose and his collar bone. I don't care if she had it comin' or not... ain't no excuse for it. Instead of payin' for the hole in the wall to be done by a carpenter... I gladly fixed it for free. The guy didn't press charges.:evil:

Good for you guys.

It's scary how many "men" (I use the word loosely) who beat their wives and kids. I remember when I was young we were at a place where a guy we knew took his kid to the bathroom to "discipline" him. You could hear the hits and the screaming loud and clear (and it wasn't the first time). My dad jumped up from his seat and headed back there. Basically told the guy that if he heard or saw it again, or any evidence of it, that they would be having a "discussion" and THEN the police would be called.

I always loved Arnold Schwarzenegger in Kindergarten Cop - "You hit the kid, I hit you."

Tree Guy knows better then to ever lay a hand on me. It would be the last time he had the ability to touch anyone. Of course, I grew up in a home where I was taught self-worth and self-respect. That makes all the difference. Oh, and my dad owns a chainsaw too. :)
We had two good souls in Melbourne[right in the city] interupt a domistic dispute, the guy was pulling the hair of the lady, he pulled a gun and shot the both of them, one dead the other fighting for life..

The gunman is still on the run.

Sheeet!! ive done that on a few occaisions before
I can remember my old man beating the s#it out of me, but i probably deserved it.

I turned out all right so he must have known what he was doing :D
I took down a dead walnut tree and did "line clearance" for a secondary and took off some low limbs on a fruitless mulberry and didn't beat my wife or my kid. Although my kid deserves it.
deadwooded three large valley oaks today. First time taking the bucket up and jumping in the tree. Because of how many cables were in the tree I could only get so far over from over from tie in so had to take a nice swing out of the bucket, which was a bit of a rush at 7:30 in the morning :)

Pruned a big Fremont Cottonwood -4' DBH only about 65 feet tall but about 85 feet of spread...before I started-about 70 now. Did Tip reduction on the long horizontals and took out the major deadwood. Came out really nice-The lady is tickled "You made it look so nice but it doesn't look like it was just trimmed". First time for everything-I set two lines from the ground so that I could traverse for a big dead limb drop back for another clump and only recrotch once in the tree-anyway setting the second line I was trying to thread the needle on a near vertical shot(under one big branch and over the high one)...and I hit the high limb and the bag richocheted right back at me-I was on one knee with the Big Shot and just managed to duck my head and rotate down and right but the bag pegged me right in the left short ribs. Ouch.
where you working now treesandsurf?

Working for Joe and Jake Schneider at Pacific Tree Care in Calistoga. Will be there for another month or so before back to hawaii for the conference and probably school. It's a good gig though, lots of really nice trees and nice views...

Stumper, sounds like a nice tree. Only recrotched once on a 85ft spread ain't bad at all. :thumbup:

oh yeah now i remember:) sure are nice trees around there, specially the valley oaks, their a fun climb!
Thanks T&S-but to clarify- I am not dubbed "King of the polesaw" for nothing. I did the tip reductions from the ground and the roof and pulled a PS up thetree to allow me to pull out a bunch of dead stuff without much limb walking.
You mean parents aren't supposed to hit their kids? :?
I wish I had known that 30 years ago...
I wish you would have had smooth sailing folks with a solid foundation for a Mom & Dad.
Sorry to hear this Brian. My heart goes out.......& I mean that
Got to murder a Doug Fir today... then the elderly lady that lived across the street from the place I was cuttin' asked if I could cut a tree up that had fell in her backyard from one of the winter storms we had.

It was a medium sized alder tree. I limbed and bucked it into rounds in about 15 minutes... she said to just pile the brush next to her little woodshed. Her grandson would be by next month to split it and take care of the brush. She asked me how much she owed me... I said, "No charge ma'am. Happy to help." She sent me on my way with a small bag of chocolate chip cookies...:)

Made 200 bones, and spent 3 hours on the big Doug so it was worth it to help the lady out.

I am helping out an old man by the name of Dr. Barnett... an old cuss with a great attitude & an even better sense of humor. Ol' boy has me pruning everything that'll hold still on his property >>> at a price I'm embarassed to mention. It's big.
Doc's wife passed away last year after a battle with breast cancer, and I was heartbroken that she had to leave. It's difficult to lose a customer that way.
Doc wants to keep the place up; for his girl as much as for the property value.
I really adore these people.
I charge them.
I must make a living, and they know it.
Took down a tree covered in poison oak vine a couple days ago. I washed up as thoroughly as possible while on site afterwards, and then spent about 15 minutes washing with the Tech-Nu soap as soon as I got home (several hours later). But I'm still starting to break out all over the underside of my forearms and around my wrists. Itches like Hell this morning. Hopefully the Tech-Nu will reduce the severity of the breakout.