How'd it go today?

About to depart here for another day with the vacation homes in the Pines. Getting crane swung out above the forest.... man the air is sweet up clean and fresh. It's like your nostrils suddenly get twice as big.
Good day today. Had the official tour of the campus today, and I got to sit in on one class, and visit the climbing techniques class. Met and talked with Brian Kane and Dennis Ryan. Had lunch in the dining hall and talked with the admissions counselor. Overall, a great day and I'm looking forward to attending the college here.

Heading home tomorrow. Should be back by Thursday afternoon, judging by the time it took to get here.
Did my first climbing takedown of the year last night, have been flying a bucket some this summer. Got promoted to crew leader on my second day on the job, so bypassed the cllimber, trimmer position I applied for. Probably a good deal for an old fart, but not as much fun. It was a 50' green ash, rather small landing area, but was able to jump about half the top out into an open chunk of back yard. Got it to jump about 8 feet over a stair railing, so guess I haven't lost the touch entirely. Laid the trunk up the steps out of the backyard. Luckily no clean up involved. About 2 hours from leaving work to finishing the takedown and heading home. Have some more climbing to to in the cemetery, where the truck doesn't fit. A side note: It was in low 80's, so hotter than heck, and humidity was clear up around 20%, miserable working conditions.

I am amazed how few climbers there are in a town of 40,000. People say they can not find anyone to even look at a tree that you can't get a bucket into.

I know I set my self up for the comments about no tree to climb in ND, hence few climbers!!!!!

It is still fun, so will keep doing it for a few years.
I walked from a job today. It was an 'Andy' job, trying to do a favor for my neighbor's brother. He had a small job that I agreed to help him with. Just some roof clearance so he could repair the roof, no big deal. But he kept insisting on 'helping' me, even though I told him I really didn't need or want his help. 5 times he asked if I wanted him on the roof to catch the limbs and 5 times I told him no. I got out to the first limb and fired up the saw. I cut the first sprout out of my way and he's grabbing the ladder and leaning it against the roof. I yelled at him, he blew up at me, and I decided to cut my losses right then and there. By the time I had the bucket stowed he was all apologetic but I was having none of it. I gave him a buddy's phone number and refused to go back up in the bucket.

Once I got out of that horrible situation the rest of the day turned out to be quite pleasant. The weather was perfect, I had a good time on my next job and the guy even bought me lunch at one of my favorite sub shops. I may be a jerk but I didn't allow myself to get bogged down in a losing proposition.
More work on the addition which is starting to get rather old at this point .

I'm going to have to build a fire under the framing crews ass to get the siding on so it can be painted before bad weather sets in .Damn it this is Ohio ,not California .
Logging season started for me today.
Both me and the dogs sure enjoyed being back in the woods.
Fired up the new 600 and started annihilating a nice mature stand of beech and larch, very good logging.

But the first day in the season sure wears you out!
Back to sick again! Just want to throw up, been that way all day. Makes you miserable and cranky!
Got the Model "A" all good, brake lights and turn signals, everything working good. Then, "Hey, just one more thing while you are here. This will be easy though!"
He wanted a damn horn on it now! Would have been nice to know that when I was making the wiring harness for the rest of it! So I got to undo all the work that I had put into it to make it look neat and clean, and do it all over again.
Yeah, makes you really cranky!
660 of course, sorry.

I managed to talk myself into doing a karate class after a hard first day of logging.

NOW I'm totally beat!
You can always say no Andy, especially to relatives. Its easy if you just remember how many times your Dad told you know growing up.:lol:

Sorry you feel like ca-ca again.

Cool deal Stig. Gonna start work tomorrow on my first clearing job since my surgery. probably just cut in the landing and see how the right knee feels.
Took down a big White Oak in the pissing pouring rain. Way to go weather men, you struck out again. Ashholes.
According to them we are having the next 4 days of sunshine, but I sure won't hold my breath.
Took down to doug firs today. Gorgeous day, full rig jobs between two fancy pants lakeview houses. Gorgeous view all day and my new guy ran the ropes smooth. Climbed the bigger one popped the top and used it as a gin pole to lower the 2nd one off, running a tagline on the 2nd one from the tree to control swing. Real smooth surgical removals.
Sounds like a great day Squish.

I was supposed to meet up with the builder on a customers house to move dirt off of the oaks he buried. Then we were going to place rocks to hold grade above the trees. Unfortunately we have had more that a few inches of rain. Enough that the dudes back hoe would really rut things up on a slope. I brought the chipper along with us in case it was too wet, so we chipped burn piles all day. HO decided to chip as much as possible instead of waiting on burn season. Needless to say the piles were NOT staged for chipping and had to be yanked all apart. Not to mention they were a ways from where we could get the chipper in.
Still salvaged the day. I will have to call the builder tonight to schedule the regrade.