How'd it go today?


Penny pincher I'm not, but the reason I was getting it was to capture these two jobs, since they are both somewhat atypical. Since it won't be here till mid day Friday at the earliest, the current draw is gone, although I still want it. I have saved $350 for it in the past couple weeks, but was going to pay the rest straight from the biz account. I'll go back to meandering towards its purchase, unless another job of interest comes up.

After this month's standard payments, I'll have just over $3k to pay off to meet my end of the year goal. I'll have $3.5-5k tied up in the dump bed I'm building for the F550 that I want finished by March. I also need to fatten up for winter, financially speaking of course. Got a chipper to buy next year and all, and I hope for a biggun ;)
Brendon, my middle daughter has lost her wallet 4 times in SF and gotten it back each time. I goofed off this morning and I had a dentist appt. at 1:00 to get my teeth cleaned. Then I chainsawed off a big piece of oak wood and made eight 1"X2"X12" blanks with my new to me tablesaw for a wood working project.
Took Rob up to a trail to cut to a spring so some pipes can seen and fixed. I guess the HO was happy and hired rob to fix the pipes this weekend. Worked on the Ford today and I have to check some more stuff out.. But oil is changed, vacuum lines replaced, radiator hoses, runs better. Replaced a worn tire.... Still have a couple more issues to tinker with though.
Rebuilt a 345 carb and replaced fuels on two of the same. Same with an FS250. Cleaned the mud and water out of the pole saw engine and carb from it's swim yesterday.. :lol:
Had a couple offers to buy some saws in town.. I am waiting on a call on one of them by tomorrow. I might pick up a MS 310 pretty reasonable and it barely used. I guess the ol guy that bought it can't pull it good enough to start it.. Only got to use it for a a season or so before his health gave out..
The other is a Husky. The guy that has it was guessing at the model and told me he would call me with it. Sounds like around 72-75 cc range.. We'll see what happens tomorrow..
Productive day.
Hey Brendon, funny Ive just started mountain biking again too, however it tends to screw my lower back up royally till I get used to it again....
The side walls are up on the addition,foundation back filled .

Today ,jack up the ceiling and either make the rafters or install the main header which is a twenty foot free span .Because the addition is basically a t the span will be in the old wall section which is going to use two 18" lamented plywood beams .

It should be completely under roof by Friday .

I have to order the siding which is a simulated wood grain stuff made of a type of cement board, rot proof, fire proof .They say if done properly it will hold paint for 25-30 years which means basically low maintainance ,a good thing .:D
Hey Brendon, funny Ive just started mountain biking again too, however it tends to screw my lower back up royally till I get used to it again....


I've been waking up these last three days minus back ache. I have muscle soarness but no pain. I'm wanting to get a road bike here soon too. Maybe you can suggest an affordable option.
We took the day off and went to a big trade show.
It is an every 4 years thing for forestry and arborist gear.
It used to be more fun before the internet. Nowadays we keep so much on top of new developements that there is nothing really exciting to see at a trade show.
Still, small country, not too many treeworkers here, so we met a lot of folks we know.
Nice to catch up with them. P9090005.JPG P9090007.JPG
Well, that was fun! :roll:

I was sitting down here in the kitchen to play some online poker and clear my head, when I heard of a fire call on the police scanner... no biggie, normal thing... wrong! It was a grass fire next door, and it was moving fast towards our yard. I threw on some shoes, grabbed the fire extinguisher, shovel, and water hose and kept the fire at bay until the fire department got here.
Glad you caught it so quick CG, would suck to loose your house on top of all the other stuff you have going on:(

Brandon, my local bike shop has a "Swap" sale this weekend, lots of folks bring in used gear and bikes with prices on them. If they sell they get a store credit for that amount. Sometimes some good deals to be had. How much are you thinking of paying for a road bike and what size????
IMO a fixed gear bicycle is for the 1 in 100 purist. For the rest of us it is unthinkable to revert to that level.

Another day hacking limbs for dollars. Condominium complex 'trimming' which consists of removing every green leaf within 30' of the ground and removing any limb within 12-12' of the roof. No deadwood, no corrective pruning, just elevate and clear the roof. Killing trees for dollars and creating more hazards than were there before we started. I predict 75% of those trees will be removed within 10 years, due to problems created by the trimming.
Did a quick trim on a blue oak, dropped two small live oaks. Limbed up a couple more oaks. Cleaned up two downed trees. Made some burn piles for winter on some slopes. Cut a small stump level for the HO's kid to use as a stool to sit on.
Now I get to upload all the pictures and draw on them to send them to the HO in Tucson so he can not only see what was done.. But also make a decision about a couple more trees he had plans for.. Fun Fun...
two more trees down....

What was supposed to be a deadwood job turned into a removal. 80' up piece of deadwood led into a leader that was 12" and 80% hollow. Other leader wasn't quite as bad, but as the whole thing was over a trail, the whole thing had to go. All climbing, a couple of careful-be-sure-to-make-it-run rigs, and lots of firewood throws.

Teaching our new climber some things about SRT as well, and the above removal was a pretty good learning tool. Tree had another 120' oak above it I used as my "tie-in point" and I had to connect my 200' HTP red to my other climbing line just to get it to the ground. It may have been my best big shot on the first try ever. :P

Took that down, deadwooded another over a trail, and then felled a 40" white pine spar. Great day altogether, hit my targets all over the place and taught some stuff to the crew.
Good deal. I've never had the pleasure of working down an 80' removal with the luxury of an overhead tie in. Sounds like a blast. :)
Deadwooding giant willows today. 8 or 9 of them I'll be doing in total. I love doing that, I find it very rewarding, they come out looking so nice. These willows were topped many, many moons ago and are pretty rough around the old topping cuts, lots of decay down into the main trunk sections. But the target rating is low and the people really want to keep them, and keep them big. So I get to just clean them right up as I see fit.

New employee is kicking some serious ass. And soon I'm gonna kick his ass up into some actual treework cutting/climbing.
I've talked with my unc. He seems cool, he wants to come back now though.............I told him I got a new guy, that was a little uncomfortable. But what do you do? He left me hanging quite awhile.
Unc eventually cooled off on his own with no discussion? Seems like he might be better served by accelerating that process.
Yah he was in great spirits when he finally called me back, apologized sort of. Said he was tired or whatever and needed some time to get his head straight. That's cool, but communication of your intent is even cooler. I dunno, new guy is just busting ass right now, seems very smart and eager to learn. Has some saw experience, I'm thinking he could be a good long term guy. Only 3 days in though, I'll still use my unc on some jobs if he's into it but I'm gonna keep the new guy unless he screws up or flakes out or something. Doesn't seem the type to do that though.