How'd it go today?

Ranger... stay ahead of the hydration curve my man... and stop eating that shite from McDonalds before you climb. I thought you wanted to improve your physical condition? :?

It wasn't that hot at all today. I think it has to do more with allergies or a cold. Can't breath through my nose, had a big coughing fit earlier, and feeling really tired overall.

And I'm definitely trying to lay off that McDonalds crap. All I had was a Coke, sausage biscuit, and one of those fruit&yogurt things.

Spending the night doing some homework and watching some of Gerry's DVD's!
Houses I hate

:/::X:XI call them bottle neck houses. HUGE backyard and the only access is through an extremely narrow gate.


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Frans, those people get charged lots and lots and lots of money. Anything less than a 5' wide walk path (not counting an occasional 3' gate) means reevaluating my access options. Backing up across the other side of the yard and removing a section of fence, coming in from the lot behind the customer's house and removing a section of fence, craning over the house, something. People deserve to be punished for creating that type of environment.

Chip, I'm waiting to hear back from my customer. He lives about 4 miles from me and the house in Titusville is a second home he just purchased. Hopefully he will be driving out there this weekend or first part of next week and can retrieve my throwline bucket for me.
I blew so much water out of that danged well today my back yard looked like the swamp waters of lake Erie . I was beginning to get concerned I would be entertaining a gaggle of Canada geese before sun down .

As it turned out I just entertained my self and a few non flying visitors .:|:

On the other hand though a few of them waddled not unlike a goose so perhaps it was a trade off.:lol:
Lmao Al

I'm entertaining no one today.:drink:

I've had a great day around the house getting things ready for fall.

I put my boat away today without even having used it once this year.:(

I may just sell it in the spring. It's the best and worst thing I've ever bought.
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Well, the thermostate I put in mamas van a few days ago is holding well, thankfully! It kicked my butt more than once!
Friday I was on a quest to find new sandals. not an easy thing mind you! I found a set of Keen Daytona's, I wont bother you with a price :O but they are almost as comfortable as my Oakley's and had better last five times as long:O
Went this am and drlled 38 post holes with a Bobcat, I guess I am building fence this weekend as these poor girls are clueless as to how and the hubby is sucked into family comitments. Not what I really want to do, but their dad has been very kind to me of late (the same guy with the peeper problem) so I try to help them out.
Mama REALLY wanted to go to Best Buy tonight, with ME! I wasn't really sure what was going on, Bubba got a new movie, "Bolt" I got an Adam Sandler CD I wanted "Lunch lady land"! Then she drug me around looking for wireless headphones. "HMMMMMM, I think we have tried this once before?" "I don't care, when I am out I don't want to hear that at full blast!"
So I now have a VERY nice set of wireless headphones that might live four months:? What do I know?:lol:
All in all, not bad though:)
Yep meat on a stick should be a seperate food group. I am going to Woodstock fair tomorrow
Hiked to Shining Rock from Black Balsam and back on probably the busiest day I've ever seen in the mountains.

My ankle did ok, but it's still sore as hell and a little swollen. I climbed a bit on Friday, so I'll be back in action this week. About the only thing I can't do is stand on one foot in a branch union, so it's not that bad.

Thanks for the well wishes! :D
Went on a bike ride this morning. The lady was giving up 500' from her house, but I didn't let that happen. Just road riding, but dang there was some hills. Grandma and a few people are over eating right now, and I'm wishing on real estate online.

A little late on my 3:30 nap too.
Got the engine off the stand, added the flywheel, spline adapter, bellhousing adapter, and pump (52/9/28/161lbs respectively) and slung it in the grinder.

I still have to put the wiring harness back in and put the bottom half of the motor mounts on, and I can fire it up. Before I can go grind I've gotta put the fan on. Going to run it a few hours before I put the body back on, just in case.

Turning the engine over was a hoot with mother running the rachet on the stand. She apparently didn't hear the part about waiting until I tell her to start clamping down, so as soon as I started to rotate it, she went to tightening it.



Flywheel, main pump, and the back motor mounts installed.




And shoe horned back in, before and after:

Good luck LJ.
I had a kind of intresting day. A guy who sometimes works for me and says he can climb but I don't trust him because he is fatter than me and not the sharpest tool in the shed but he's an OK groundie. Well he's been advertising on Craigslist and he got a job taking out a 30' washingtonia in a back yard pretty close to a patio and surrounded by fake brick concrete and up in a 3 brick high planter for $500. He subs me to do the stump for a couple of hundred and he gets up in the tree yesterday and the wind is kind of blowing toward the patio so he gets nervous that he's going to mess something up and doesn't get but half the beard off yesterday. Today he goes to start and his legs are so tired from yesterday that he can't function. So he calls me and I end up doing it from the bucket as it would reach over the patio and then the stump. I came home after the tree was down and waited for a call from him that everything was cleaned up and ready to grind the stump. Anyway I end up working for a couple of hours for $250. He had another guy helping him and he was supposed to pay him $100/day so he had him for two days and me for $250 so that left him with $50 for doing the tree.:lol: