How'd it go today?

today was one of those days that remind you why we do tree work:D Started off with a poplar TD which the big tree co. in town said they wouldnt put a climber in it a it was TOO DANGEROUS. I rode up and cut and dropped, chipped up and knuckle boomed wood. 1.5 hours $800.

2nd job remove large windblown hanger and elevate 3, $275

3rd job deadwood big poplar, get norway maple off house trim back magnolia, $575

So now its 3pm and both trucks are dumped and I made $16508)

Off to machinist to build Wraptors.....
I may have set a danish record for fastest take down of a dawn redwood today.
I had just made it to the top and tied in when I looked towards Copenhagen to see if I could see the city skyline from up there, when I saw a HUGE black thunderhead coming towards me from west trailing rain.
I had the tree down and through the chipper and was packed up and leaving just as it hit.
I may be getting old, but with the right incentive, I can still be fast:D
Today sucked for us. First we finished up what was supposed to be a 2 day turned 4 day job because of equipment set backs and so on. Then we had to replace the hydraulic control on the chipper. Another 2 hours wasted. An while we're doing this in front of our house(we don't have a shop. We park the chip truck and some other things on a buddy's farm, but no shop for us) some asshole, nosy neighbor comes down and starts shooting photos of all the stuff. Says he's going to call the business police or whoever.:X No one has shown up yet, but we're waiting to see what happens.

This is the same asshole that cussed at me and mom 2 years ago for our dog taking a dump in his yard. We were going to pick it up, but this old fart, being the asshole he is, decides to yell and cuss at us.

After all that, we ground 6 stumps, and chipped a pile of brush, and called it a day. Worked out great too, cause just as we got home, it started to pour rain.

And Butch, feel free to remove any profanity. Just had to vent a bit.
I can relate to not having a shop and nosy neighbors constantly calling code enforcement for any excuse they can think of. today I paid $220 to get the oil changed in the bucket truck because I don't have a place where I can legally do it myself. And the oil cooler has started leaking, it's behind the alternator and AC compressor and underneath the turbo and exhaust header, so the shop is 'working up an estimate' for the cost of fixing it. :(

But I have to keep in mind that I'm working almost every day and I'm thankful that I'm generating the income to cover these minor expenses. Still socking away extra funds towards paying off credit cards and building up my savings.
Ah the joys of no shop!:lol: Been though tis time and time again!
The city is going to be all over me here soon! I have the Hustler sitting in the drive now, motor on the way, and a Ford 8n tractor coming that I have to rebuild the motor!
SCREW THEM! It's my damn driveway! And it's in my DAMN driveway!

Sorry Brian, be happy to help you out, but I don't think flying me in is going to save much:)

The "buisness police", that's a new one:lol: I thought I had heard about all of them!
Since the dump truck is done & delivered, the chip truck project is back on my nights and weekends list.


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Well... I can sympathize with y'all, but when it comes to stepping in dog crap in MY yard, I don't take too kindly to it; whether they were going to pick it up or not. It's MY yard, and they shouldn't be on it in the first place.

Hate when people can tell you what you can and can't do on your property.. One of the reasons I live where I do.. Only have one neighbor that complains about stuff.... and then we just threaten to do more stuff to piss her off and she shuts her mouth.

Day was hot ... I am tired. But we got a good start on an account and tidied up a problem one... Start a new client tomorrow.
today was one of those days that remind you why we do tree work:D Started off with a poplar TD which the big tree co. in town said they wouldnt put a climber in it a it was TOO DANGEROUS. I rode up and cut and dropped, chipped up and knuckle boomed wood. 1.5 hours $800.

2nd job remove large windblown hanger and elevate 3, $275

3rd job deadwood big poplar, get norway maple off house trim back magnolia, $575

So now its 3pm and both trucks are dumped and I made $16508)

Off to machinist to build Wraptors.....

Not much today after work .Loaded a jag of oak on my old pick em up . The last of it for the moment .

I've got to get a picture before I unload it as there has to be just short of a cord on that old antique . I'm a tellin you they don't make a truck like that any more .:lol:
At least sorted out my gear from the religious site removals. A friend came by and brought me some fresh baked bread, a very attractive older woman who takes excellent care of herself. She was wearing a cool summer dress, and her name is Taekako.

I told her that I had just had a big tree work job the day before. She said, "Oh, that's what you use those things for", pointing at the saws.

What can you do? :(
Rigged out a broken/dead pine leaner no one else wanted to mess with , (stuck in silver maple w/really bad included bark on leads), Used a couple of leads to hold gin line and cut bottom away as we let it down. Then spent the rest of the day taking tops out of in between the primaries so the guys could drop the stubs safely. It was a great day. Tomorrow, Pulling really close overhang from over a Horizontal 2 Phase.
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NETREE, as a dog owner I believe you are on the right path. If My dog
is in your yard, shoot it, or I will have to as we want to be good neighbors.
I was very productive today.....but let me tell you about the one that got away...... Just a cottonwood branch that I almost tied off since it was a little big to cut and toss whole and I couldn't reach any higher. Stupidly I decided '"nah I'll lay it into that leader, the butt will drop free and it'll shoot down the trunk". Wrong. It lay into the other lead, rolled right onto a smaller branch which bent without breaking and then flung the piece out of the tree butt first into the roof.....which is new but nailed onto wood 3 degrees softer and weaker than paper mache`. 3inch diameter puncture.:|: