How'd it go today?

Get her a pipe. It is cheaper, smells better is more relaxing and a lot better healthwise. Plus it might weird her out- in a good way.
a good day here, a nice little install job, a pickup full of plants and a couple boxes of bulbs/corms/rhizomes (IE hosta, bleeding hearts, ornithagalum, astilbe, ferns etc). Was raining to beat the band but its just water right? :) I am looking forward to about 3 or 4 months from now, the garden should be full and busy by then.


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kinda a bummer day here, coldnt get around the highway bulls, had to cancel a job till later in the week,
paid 1/2 my taxes looking at the rest, with my upcoming comp and payroll, and the phone is now slow as f... oh well tommorow we slaughter a big co dom pine over a home has to be 4 ft accross on the stump
its late and i woke up thinking about the bills...found i was a blip on the radar at one time...who knew
oh well off to bed to stare at the ceiling some more
That sucks. At least it's in the yard and not out on the Interstate. Prolly cheaper that way.

I just got home, I went to Windermere today to cut down a couple trees to make room for a swimming pool. I was able to flop both of them even though one had a decent back lean. I set a rope over the top and had the guy on the Bobcat give it a little pull. That combined with a couple wedges got it going in the right direction. Both trees were down and diced up in about 90 minutes.

I brought the bucket truck home so I can give it a bath this afternoon. It's been parked underneath a big oak tree at the storage lot and the pollen and dust has gotten it filthy. I hate washing trucks but I'll do it a couple times per year.
Thanks for the suggestion Burnham, but it's only a bridge extender to get my VT knot farther out so I can body thrust without holding on with one hand and pulling slack out with the other. So from what I know, it should be fine without the cover.

Ahhhh...I misunderstood...thought you were making a longer replacement bridge across the front of your saddle. Yup, you should be fine.
Staying home sick again. Had a bad cough that continued into today. So far I made 4 14" chains for our MS200's and I also whipped my second bridge extender, which came out to just the right length this time.
supposed to apply Casoron at a couple client's yards today to keep the weeds down this summer but its a rainin out so we called Gramma and Grampa and told them not to drive down to watch Bub for the day, daddy is staying home and mamma is headed to the office for the day. :D wonder what shenanigans we will get up to... :shifty:
Just placed an order for some rope to make a 16 ft flip line, a 44" FS that will eventually turn into an adjustable friction saver when I can order another ring, and 15' of Tenex to play around with. Can't wait!!
Pruned two silver maples, two cherries, two hickories, and a red bud. Go back tomorrow to prune and cable the monster silver maple of the property. I'll take pics. Now I have to go pick up the lady friend from work. :D
Pruned three backyard maples today. Wore me out having to climb for once, but that was offset by the mini having access. Clean-up was a snap.
still sick. Came home from work early and my mother-in-law was here:|:

worse than that, she parked in my driveway and it was street sweeping day. worse than that the Water and Sewer commission is putting new pipes in on my street, so I couldn't sleep with all the noise. I guess its true, no rest for the wicked:evil:

Now I'm all doped up on nyquil, hope to make it into work tomorrow for a full day.
Mother-in-law.....mine like to get me when I'm in the shower, she knows that if she hits the hot water in the kitchen, I get a life shortening blast of ice water....likes to hear me scream. I wait until she's out weeding in the yard before starting up my old diesel truck, to cover her in a cloud of noxious gases before driving off. She's almost ninety, but it only gets worse. :(
The difference between in-laws and outlaws?

Outlaws are wanted. ;)

Feel better, bro... went through that last week.
I can just see the 90 year old flipping the water spigot and thinking to herself "screams like little girl".:D
I took down a Modesto ash and trimmed two other ash trees. Bunch of deadwood and mistletoe. Also installed a big brass ball on the top of a flag pole.
Sounds like a cool day Steve.. Good to hear you back at it :)
Whats with the sicko allergy season. I had a head ache so bad yesterday I just stayed in bed most of it and played with the kids (very quietly). Sounds like you had a cool day with Bub Paul.

Had a pretty good day here today for my Monday on Tuesday. Did some storm clean up that has been on my list to do. Two houses next to each other. Saves on fuel etc. :) Got paid on one and trade out on the other. Also brought home another 1/2 cord of oak wood that I got paid to butcher :D First client has scheduled me for three more visits thus far. She has a problem keeping help as does everyone in the county here. Lucky if they show up the first day, even luckier if they return for the second. So I have some dead wooding to do. Also raking and hauling leaves. And she has already booked her weed eating :D All on relatively easy terrain... I am now booked well into May :D
I killed a bunch of trees and got payed money. It was good.

I went skiing on Monday because I am the boss and I wanted to. I got jinxed by the rental guy who asked me for the first time if I wanted to rent a helmet. I did not(fool) and proceeded to take two head slamming falls on the hill. Laying down on my back now, I cannot lift the weight of my own head. My mellon isn't even as big as Carl's and I can't get it airborne unless roll over on my stomach and do a push up to get up. I am a dork. Now I have to go through my work week with a floppy head. I think I'll tie a few helium balloons to my Petzl to keep my head up.
This guy wouldn't be laughing.
