How'd it go today?

Here's a shot of the poplars....As long as I really land the job, I'll start a thread of its you can see, the quarters are.....


and they ARE 145 feet tall..and prolly weigh 100-120 tons!!!


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I'd charge 'em extra for building the new house smack up against the tree and then deciding to remove them before the house is finished.
day off here, we had a weather report yesterday morning predicting rain today, I told the young man that works with me ' if we get this job done in a day then we get tomorrow off and I will pay you half a days wage as a bonus'. We got it done ;)
I did a bid at noon today and am now chilling with Jr and his momma. :D
Cool on the new saddle .... I have to get back to work soon so I can affords on among other things. This fire is killing the bank account. I may have to just give up the ghost and evac to keep working. They will let us out but not let us back in.. Well chit I cant take it all with me and I have to be able to access my equipment. Working on it though. Pays to be nice to ya law enforcement. Since we are in the fire clearance business, it would behoove them to let us back and forth to keep fire safe work on properties. Tough call for them though as they don't really need more frustration of more traffic though here. Fire has calmed down on some fronts but is really not near under control and we are still at risk on our back side of the property so to speak. Fire can come back down that way but we are entirely defensible and have made sure we can divert the fire by what fuel we have left, Basically it will go around us. Fire crews are happy they can "call" home as we are supplying the WYFI for them. Planning a little BBQ tonight and will send some down to the crews on the property. Still more work to do here and then we will have a lot done to keep all safe here. Fire crews are pleased with what they see and are happy with a huge area they will be able to safely defend with minimal resources. All is good. Took a bath today FINALLY after we got a lot set up. Been since Friday night and man I feel better. One of our lady friends brought more supplies in last night and was good company since we bored out of our minds here in the evenings. Finally slept more of a night than in a few, felt good. Will keep y'all up to date as we go through this. Still tryin to get the pics onto the puter. Its a busy puter though as it runs the network for the WYFI. Till soon.......
Ciao for now

Stephen, Rob, Katy and the kids.....
I'd charge 'em extra for building the new house smack up against the tree and then deciding to remove them before the house is finished.

Got the job, we start tomorrow! My client cut a couple 8 inch roots. Trees aren't any more hazardous than they were. But one of the two coowners of the trees wants them out. My client doesn't own them, but is footing the whole bill, out of his pocket. Major bummer. Tree work--$16,300, grinding the stumps $1500, relandscaping the yard where the trees are, $5000..hauling the stump chips---his problem, but there will prolly be 50 cubic yards worth!!

Rigging will be fun...marl every branch--spread way out to make safe....maybe run a carriage with lower/and speed line both at the top..but will need a tag line on the butts (either 3-1 mech advantage, hand pulled, or winched out--whatever works..or speed line on the butt....Will have to see how it plays out.

I'd like to be able to limit the branch rigging to two lines each rather than three.... what a clusterflock it could be.....

I won't comment anymore here, but will move some of my posts over to a new thread for the I find time.....
Not a bad day at work. Not a real good one either, just a day.
Helped a guy fix his lawn mower.
Looked at a Bobcat puchase gone wrong!! I don't need the work, I don't need the money, and I don't have the time!! Why is it siting my garage?
Got off work, met a buddy for lunch and drinks, it was nice!
Ran into Dave and his wife. Caught grief about my hand, as I expected. But it was nice to see them.
I had a crappy day, I hope tomorrow is better. Still trying to resolve the chipper blade issue. The chip truck is in the shop, looks like it needs a new computer. And my wife's van is having transmission problems. The dealer says it needs a new tranny to the tune of $4665.00. Now I just found out my bucket driver can't come in tomorrow, so I have to get up early and drive to the job, which means I have to cancel two other appointments I had.
Thanks for the fire update, Roger.

Butch, congrats on the new saddle. Now don't dirty it up too soon.

How was my day?
Lets just say I really don't need to be slinging around my 66 and 88 in the tree anymore. Too damm old.

My shoulder is killing me. gonna go get it looked at tomorrow. Cant hardly raise my arm, and my wife says that knot under my shoulder blade is not an ordinary muscle knot...
We should start an injury thread it seems.

I hope you feel better this morning Frans. I find that I am usually in a little bit of pain but ignore it unless someone asks. My back is always day to day.

Today should be easy, we are clearing shrubs and trees away from a house so that it can be painted. The rest of the week is similar little easy stuff and tomorrow afternoon I go talk to my doctor about my elevated triglycerides.
Unfortunatley I am thinking the injury thread may not be a bad idea.

Went to the Doc. today. I guess I had 18 stitches total, they cut them all out. I hurt, A LOT!!!! Three of them went through my fingernail, or whats left of it.
The other two finger were a LOT worse than I had figured, the first finger was cut right at the cuticle of the fingernail, and the third was cut on the side of the finger.
The one with all the work done to it, well ugly desn't even begin the description. I lost half the nail and the Doc. seems certain it wont fill back in.
All because I was stupid!

Tore into the hydro units for the Bobcat tonight. WOW!!!! He broke the input shaft!! Snaped it clean off!!! He's going to order the parts, pobably three days out, then I am going to have to tear apart and reseal the right hand drive motor to make sure all the metal is out of the system. More time I really don't have to spare.

I lead such a charmed life:lol:
Had a nice day here... worked on a communications issue on an ATM, then I replaced a lock on another. I came home and finally got the papers for the house... traffic was good for me, all inside calls... it was just nice. :D

I also got picked for a special project up north.
I had an easy day and yet I still feel tired. I pruned back trees and brush from a house so it could be painted. I reshaped a cherry. I re-topped a spruce view trim. The spruce was so tight on the inside I had to snake around on my belly as I spiraled up into the top. I am not skinny anymore.