How'd it go today?

Go **** yourself, asshole. :X
I must have missed it .Brian is a fiesty little fork but a pretty square shooter as well .A little guy,and I am large but he never swallowed one bit of bullshit in his life ,and good for him .;) Call them as you see them as you see them ,I do .;)
Poor Andy. You're a perfect example of why I am single and plan on remaining single for the rest of my life.

I guess I missed all the fun?

Yeah Brian, you have no idea how hard I have tried to stay out of this mess!!! His wife wants to leave him, he got laid off, he didn't show up for work:?
And now this? Yeah, single life ROCKS!!
You didn't miss much. Idiot-boy said that single guys like me are gay.
Whatever. :roll:


Not gay, SMART!! D R A M A sucks! Dealt with it all week, really didn't want it this weekend!!

I was not going to go, but my wife all but begged me, she was afraid he might get nasty with he o her sister.
Turns out the stoy was WAY over inflated, big shock. He insulted her, big no no in the Asian culture. She was chaising him with a hammer and he was trying to get away.

Lets see, gay, or getting chased with a hammer?

Yeah, I like Brians version a LOT better:lol: (Sorry dude:))
Lol well go boating for the day and I miss all the excitement. Was a blast but got a little sunburned. All day with the in-laws they're a good time for sure though and even chipped in gas money, always appreciated.
I love my wife and my kid. I love being married. It isn't for everyone but it can be a very good thing.
Being married is where it's at for me. My wife and I are a team and the kiddo, well she's just outta this world.:)
I just got back from the VA hospital in Palo Alto. My BIL is in there dying from lung cancer and cirrhosis of the liver. He looks like hell. We got a call from my SIL this morning saying that if we wanted to see him before he dies that we had better hurry up. I'll fill you in on all the drama later. I got to see my niece (his daughter) who I haven't seen in quite a while.
Poor Andy. You're a perfect example of why I am single and plan on remaining single for the rest of my life.

A little like saying "Gee, it sure sucks being you dude..." I'm glad I don't have your life."

An un-warrented and unwelcome response to someone in a stressful and emotional experience imo.

For my part, I made an inappropriate comment on this forum and I used bad judjement by antagonizing another member.

A little like saying "Gee, it sure sucks being you dude..." I'm glad I don't have your life."

An un-warrented and unwelcome response to someone in a stressful and emotional experience imo.

For my part, I made an inappropriate comment on this forum and I used bad judjement by antagonizing another member.


Fair enough, but I knew what Brian meant by it.

It's big of you to appoligize.

I went in this morning, I was beat! Just plumb worn out, I checked in with the big boss, made sure everything was running good, then came back home and went to bed!

The supervisor called just as I got to work, his kid had fourteen stitches across the bridge of his nose, he can' see out of his right eye, and is draining a lot of blood into his sinuses. He's a mess right now, fourteen.
I guess he got crossed with a stick, then the puck hit him in the nose, THEN he did a faceplant on the ice!!! Tripple wammy!

Darin, I love my kid, I love my wife most days:lol:, but I could do without her family about any day!
I had an easy day stripping out this super-leaning pine. Even the root ball was starting to come up, it'd ah been a skeery climb!


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I took down two big laurel oaks today. I'll post pictures in the work pictures thread. But I heard about another tree company that tipped a crane today. They overloaded it or shock loaded it and put it through a house. AND it was only about 6 blocks from my house! The tree crew all jumped in the chip truck and hauled ass, I'm not sure where they thought they were going to run. I stopped by after work and another big local company was there cleaning up the mess, along with every news station in the tri county area. I saw about a dozen tree guys that I know. Here's the pics (the guy in the black Mark LX pickup owns another local tree company).

The crane looks like a 35 ton Link Belt.
Maybe their cribbing slid out from under the outrigger. :roll:

Seriously though, any details on what happened? It looks like they were lifting over the side, maybe soft ground under the outriggers, or a septic tank??? I'm guessing no one was hurt, right?
It looked like the piece they had attached to the crane was only cut about 2/3 of the way through and it ripped the rest of the way. It also looked like they were working off to the side of the crane, since the crane tipped sideways. I suspect that the chunk somehow shockloaded the crane and tipped it. Perhaps the cable wasn't high enough and the piece peeled off and flipped?

Rumor has it that an elderly couple lives there and they were not injured. I'll check out the local news websites.

Ooops, too slow. Thanks Brett. :)
He's an old drug addict that cleans up nice and has a smooth sales pitch. He's been around for years, has skanky crews that work for cash, cheap. No organization to speak of. He goes through help so fast, he's made an art form out of taking advantage of employees. I worked for him for 2 weeks back when I was first getting sober, even then I could see he was scum.
There's a couple of "companies" like that around here too. Twelve to fifteen man crews, looking like they were just picked up from the labor pool.
You'd be surprised Brendon. That guy probably has no insurance, no assets, and no reputation to worry about. He'll start up again in no time with a new name and the same old losers for employees.
Twelve to fifteen man crews, looking like they were just picked up from the labor pool.

Lordy, I haven't seen a crew that big EVER. 12 to 15 men? No shit? What kinda job (on the books or not) can support that big of a payroll?