How'd it go today?

I had to severely reduce the lateral branches on an ash tree that I pruned three years ago working for my old tree service. They were indifferent about spiking trees and I think I spiked that tree last time as I could not get a line in it. Today we had a bigshot and my guys got a line in it for me while I was on the phone. I climbed it spurless but was dismayed at how many branches were breaking climbing that way. The tree has borer problems and most of the branches I stepped on broke. Its odd but I think I would have done less harm with spurs on. My old spur marks were barely visible at this point in time three years later.
Nothing to exciting for me Paul, two small calls. No big failures around that I know of yet. I'm keeping the phone close though.8)
hm, they showed a few trees down near the lake, some campgrounds evacuating for fear of tree failures. go drive around town, leave your window open and await the calls for help :D
I had an emergency call today and I coudn't take it because my truck broke a hydraulic hose in the lower boom and I can't figure out which one.
Another hot day here. Nothing spectacular, just palm tree trimming.

On the last house I had two queen palms to trim in the back yard. Got up in the first one and noticed a nest but it looked kind of old and I haven't seen any baby skwerls around in several weeks. I knock nests out of palm trees on a regular basis so this one wasn't any different. I cut under the nest and flipped it out with the bar of the saw and that's when I heard the baby skwerl start to scream. I looked down and saw the blood, came down and found that I had cut the poor guy completely in half. Then I saw mama running under the bushes by the house. He screamed for almost a minute before he died.

Then to make it worse, on the next palm tree I killed another baby and never saw him until we were cleaning up. 2 in 15 minutes, it really bummed me out.
Today went OK considering two workers didn't show. got Dave back as he hates some of the elitist arbo's at STP..... We topped two hemlock by 15-18 feet, as they were whippy and a bit top heavy from being topped way low when they were young. Seemed the thing to do....I have pics of the dastardly deed. As Dave finished, I went up in a fir, cleaned it, transferred to a 130 foot fir, went to the top, did some Cc and safety thinnning, then rapped way out to shorten its long limbs and the limbs on the smaller fir.

Then, the customer, who was helping a bit, agreed to be our needed 2nd brush dragger on the 2nd job, a 19" dbh 75 foot bitter cherry in close quarters with a long drag. Dave, ever the speed merchant, had the puppy down in an hour! What a stud! I worked up a sweat, but had time to take some videos of him self lowering the multiple top leads, then chunking down wood...90-95% onehanded, as is his style.

Didn't get to the third job....came home, set to do bids, but was and am dead tired from the long week, not enuf sleep, and wanting to do more photo editing. Had some great breast...chicken that is, and wine for dinner....

Here's a slide show from yesterday's job, which I will also put in its own thread...easy removal, but spectacular photos.
squish, I just saw the 5 o clock news, looks like you got POUNDED. boats loose in the lake, campgrounds being evacuated etc. go make some money! work safe!!

Wow! No real damage that you've seen as of yet, squish?

Big Daddy Pauly, I saw your earlier post about wind in the lower mainland....Fraser River pressure gradient related, eh? Beautious day here, with very light breezes...

Are you going to be posting the vids of the self lowering? I'd love to see it. Was he using a small portawrap?

nah....just friction wraps as 90% of the time....though I'd like a small porty...I too like to go gear "un-intensive" on the slam dunker jobs...

Haven't even had the energy to go get my memory cards and dl the evidence.....

Of course the beer, then wine with dindin played no part in this.....

slothy behavior....
yup, was a good wind for what we call wind. We were working a nice yard in upscale part of town, hedges, boxwood topiaries etc, didnt really bother me except for making cleanup a pain.
Wind, wind, wind is making my phone ring off the hook! Mostly minor damage that people want touched up and alot of oh well we might as well do this or that while you're here too.8)
Got a lead on a 1967 3/4 ton chevy FWD 327 engine 4 on the flour and he gonna let me have it cheapo... Gonna look at it Sun. Schedule got messed up but we are just gonna make it work. My 2 year old has the croup and Dr.s visits... "E" tree stuff all messed with it. My boy comes number 1 though. Went to Madera to pick up the "Dead Quad". Yup, blew the motor. Poor thing I over worked it. Guess I will try the rebuild myself this time and see what comes of it. That should be a fun project... Not like I don' have enough already. LOL. Day off Sunday so I won't have to jump right out of bed. Finally get a rest from this heat. Made sure a few more were fire safe in the 100 foot parameter, supposed to get T Storms tonight... possibly. Hope not but better to get the higher altitude clearances done prior just in case. Nuttin broke today. So it must have been a good one. Had ot cut out early though to go to get the quad though. Been in poison oak all day with the brusher, skin a bit irritated but shower helped before the hot trip. Hope all went well for every one today .
Annnnnnnnd good news on the chipper... TG...
Was the fuel pump that needed replaced to cure the oil leak... Whew.. all fixed just in time for Mon. The engine aint a year old..... Big sigh of relief. Just sharpen two sets of blades on Sunday and we are good to go.
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Great pics as usual Roger! Dave looks like a great climber. Please do share more about STP... Was this the company Dan Kraus was working with?

I new stylus for my record player arrived the other day and I am listening to R.E.M. Murmur from my college days. My daughter broke the last needle but I think she is old enough to use the record player. I kind of want to by her an old 45 player like I had as a kid so she can spin some tunes herself. Records are more fun than CDs. "crack, fizzle, pop."
Another family reunion today,number two out of four .Relaxing on the veranda at present .I seldom take a day off,kind of nice .Me and my Budweiser,mama and here peach brady . Could develop into something .

Hey,hey old dog yes,young pup.always .;)
The boss was supposd to call me yesterday, we wee going to go drinking. He called alright, telling me I had to go in and fix the chip collector:whine:
Went to a buddies B-day last night, good time. 3 kegger!
Got to ride some motorcycles earlier, WOW!!! That was a blast!!!
Just got a call an hour ago, third shift supevisor wont be in, his son took a hockey puck to the face:O
Somehow he thought I was working tonight:? I'm fine with opening the place up, but you don't want me running the crew in the mindset I am in right now!!! Yeah, good day!!
Had to play moderato with the inlaws, I guess the BIL shovd the MIL.
He and I went for a "drive".
Good times!