How'd it go today?

I've been in Philadelphia for the last four days with my wife and daughter visiting Drexel University and seeing some family and in-laws. Drexel is an awesome school! We did a tour of the campus then met with the head of the architecture department who talked with us for over an hour about the program, among other things. I got so pumped up with this whole college thing that I want to go back to school now.
My brother Glenn lives in Philly & loves it. I've never been >>> gotta get a long weekend planned to go visit this fall.
How very cool that you get to send your daughter off to college ... and it sounds like a good one, eh ? She's going for a career in architecture ?
AL: Graded my driveway today a little with the skid loader

I have a hunk of chain link fence. I drag it up and down the drive about once a month. Excellent for maintaining the driveway and reduces the need for grading.
Haha, is that some kind of euphemism?

Ha! I didn't think of that. For future reference though, if I did do that, I don't think I would have any desire to share about it with you guys.:) Now you will pardon me while I go get a hold of myself.:)
I've nearly got the exhaust welded back up on the 1 ton, time to start looking for a less restrictive muffler.

The flange that connects the front half to the back half had a piece of it's gasket missing. Being a high temp gasket in a place where I won't need it to come apart again, I simply welded up the missing bit. If the gasket tries to get out on the edges of the weld I'll just keep going around and weld it up solid, as is, it seems like it will do fine.
Here you would have to have the vehicle smogged every couple of years and they would make you put the cat back on.
baby sitting so the wife can get a few things done, just got the kid to sleep, what a chore!
Willie as my wife likes to tell me........It's not called babysitting if it's your own kid, it's called parenting.:D

My buckettruck is in the shop. Intake manifold gasket is in need of replacing, started leaking coolant this morning. I could probably do it but I sure as hell don't feel like it. So instead I drove around and collected some money and lined up some more work.8)
No 11 22.5's if memory serves, the trucks at a shop not at home right now otherwise I'd check. I updated my rims too I was running split rims
Today went well. Weed eating was a good break in this heat. Crew and I oly went 6.5 hours but got a lot done.. This guy has me scheduled for 3 days, weed eating and limbing. 115 acres in progress.. sheesh...
Personal note... safety glasses needed in bed room on bad mornings... Went eye first into the mic stand counter weight. OUCH. Yup Black eye..
Also, no equipment broke today .. WHooo Hoooooo.
Trial on an Echo commencing tomarrow for free. :)
106 on temp on way to beer and home.. :P
Bagged my 7th cat in a tree in the last 11 days... I've paid for rent and arborist liability this month just going after cats.

Did some cabling and stuff too. Gonna get an iPhone Friday.
I've got retread radials on the back of my truck, 11/22.5, and they ride smoother than the heavy tread tires on the old bucket. One has a pretty good gouge in the sidewall. I hope they last another year, already spent too much money this year.
did a small install job today, home by 1. :) now chowing down. more work tomorrow, staying nice and warm in these parts! finally!
Well, book keeping is done for the month including data entry... WHEW. Good thing I do this regular. Payroll done too... Bills Current... Things that make ya go HUH???? or EH for you Canucks. :)