How'd it go today?

great lookin tree. Don"t get to do many live oak that size here, but have done canyon oaks and golden cups about that size. I can see you have a great look on the tree from those couple of pics. Great job on it from my point of view.....
Actually better not jump fences here. BLM and Park land not to mention Indian Land butt up to some of my customers yards. Cal Fire wants 100 foot brush and limbing, weed eating. Insurance Co.s ask sometimes for double.. You dang well make sure of property lines and fence lines in my neck of the woods... Seriously.. Don't want to see that ticket.
I live a couple of hours drive from you.

Trimmed some Modesto ash trees at a vet clinic today. Freakin hot.
Yes and getting hotter this week. I tried to get all my brushing and trees done this last week save for some ground pole saw work. Mostly weed eating fire clearances this week with some earlier starts will make this week more bearable in the hundreds. I don't envy those like your self in the valley right now. Hate climbing in the heat. There just aint enough water period to keep hydrated.
Nice to see another Cali fella.

I work in San Francisco, but live a bit north of the Golden Gate.

Fire Fuel Reduction Work, gotta love it, Did too much in Clear Lake with 100 degree days on wicked side hills.

I don't do so hot in the heat.

Take it easy.
Dang Deva, how's the trip going? I mean besides meeting up with Brian.:D

I've been busier than hell lately, things are going real good here. Just putting together a mighty hefty invoice tonight.:)
Yes Frans... I have gone up to see them a few times in my life. Love the giants.. Guess you were at Mariposa grove. Best I can saw I have done was about 100' on a ponderosa removal I did last year. tree was 120' or so tall so I topped it at the 100' mark. I have not had a chance to climb the giants. I dont actually think I would have the nerve for it. At the 100' mark I think I had found my limit. I actually almost got motion sickness as all the trees around me were all swaying different to the one I was climbing. A very weird sensation as I dont get motion sickness easy. Loved the view though. :)
Spent all day vertimulching oaks. Back is pretty sore from running the gas drill. Tommorrow is going to be even more fun, easy slaying dead dogwoods and a split live oak.

Even had a few calls about dead pine trees that people have been "putting off" but now with the hurricane brewing they must be removed promptly.

My question-But why did you wait two years to think about it?
Homeowner- Just forgot.
ME-No worries
Me- i'll be there tomorrow
Customer-what is this going to run
ME- lets see emergency call, requires crane to safely access, zero damage emergency call, umm $7000.00
Homeowner- well that is ridiculous
me-I appreciate you calling for a price if you change your mind please let me know,thanks bye bye click
Love it Arbor... Had a home owner call me 2 days ago finally had power lines removed from a dead ponderosa next to a garage.. Now I dont have a crane and he certainly did not want to pay for a crane brought up so I gave him a couple numbers to call that have their own cranes. Homeowner said he sure did not want to know what the bill is gonna be now... I said.. well... I am sorry PGE did not remove the power line two years ago. Heck One year ago I would have still climbed the tree. but with some examination. I figured the beatles and othe critters had about had their way on the tree and I aint gonna climb it... Yes we have been talking about removing this tree since it went brown two years ago... ohhh wellllllllll..... Again ... he'll call again for other stuff when my buds do him right .. or not ... again ... Ohhhh well....
on a personal note.... today went well .. consults landed two bull pine removals and some white oak trimming. Compared to last week. Got the quad in the shop (we use the quad like our little tractor on bad terrain for brush and wood extraction, let alone equipment hauling into remote locations) and the engine went again this year. Economy the way it is, we are in a holding pattern for new or any equip purchases till the final numbers come in for the brushing season. Gonna miss that lil work horse. Engine (rebuilt) still has to get put back into the 1 ton ford. Nissan needs final fixing before we can experience some fuel savings on a 3 man crew. The crew cab one ton is still holding up and pays for its labor on the larger crew. Prices will have to be increased if gas hits 5.00 per gallon on gas. Just hope the customers will stomach it.. Baby on way.. due Jan or Feb. Life is good with mixed feeling. My feet are again on the ground. The job is complete. And today is a good day.
Graded my driveway today a little with the skid loader .I also hauled a couple of tons of washed #57 stone to finish up replentishment of the sand/gravel filter in my aeriator .

I borrowed my neighbors '76 F-350 baby dump truck rather than shovel the danged stuff from the back of my old antique F-250 .Neat little truck,it will handle about 3 1/2 - 4 tons pretty easy . 300 6 ,4:10 or 4:56 gears ,4 speed .That thing could climb a tree if it could get traction .:)
Saying a prayer tonight for an old family friend and family in BC Canada... His name was Bill.. He was a logging truck driver in Merritt. Lost him to cancer yesterday assuming from my e mail tonight (date wise).
Our family prayers go to his family and the families in our industry tonight. He introduced me to the logging industry as a young boy that just liked to fish and climb trees. Guess I still like to climb trees and just eventually went there... Thank You Bill.. You will be missed......
I share this with you guys not on a down note... Some of my fondest memories were riding in his Kenworth.. letting me run through the gears between Kamloops to Merrit B.C. and the thrill of hauling those logs to the mill down some of those loggin roads.. I am sure some of you guys got to be in such scenarios with the harvesters on the site and such and just knew what ya had to do someday...