How'd it go today?

its taking some getting used to, sure feels a LOT more tippy than a mini skid, difflock is very handy but turf tires don't have much traction in mud so it'll get stuck kinda easy, but you can walk yourself out with the bucket and turning back and forth just fine

tele is cool, but after putting about 5 hours on it today cleaning up stuff around the house, I see zero need for it, I'm sure I will want it occasionally at work to reach up to retaining walls and stuff, but we don't encounter much here that I'd need that extra reach

already took the left door and both mirrors off, the GiAnt mirrors SUCK and are a total waste of money, can't adjust the friction on them and they are so loose that they will move just from the vibration at idle, and I hit my head on the left mirror maybe 15 times today just getting on and off

trailer hitch is a really nice pin and ball setup, machine doesn't like to climb steep hills but I can make due, self leveling is way different on the non tele as you can curl back and still boom down, the tele is hydraulic self leveling (I think) and won't let you boom down unless you curl off the stop at the back (atleast on my demo), but I do believe it lets you curl back farther as the boom goes up unlike mine, I can barely curl the plate back past vertical even boomed up to max reach, hydraulics aren't super fast even if you stand on the throttle, but honestly I think that might be a good thing to stop the operator from getting too crazy, especially around employees near the attachment

non tele also doesn't have buttons on the joystick for the aux hydraulics so you have to move your hand, not a huge deal IMO, backup alarm got unplugged less than 5 minutes after getting the machine home
is that a giant? under new holland stickers?