How'd it go today?

Throw any spare parts behind the barn when nobody is looking.
this is the way!

even worse when I remember taking a part off but not where it goes back on, then realize after reassembly that I gotta pull everything apart again
cleaned the carb on my mower, re install it and notice the throttle is super stuck, I forgot the gasket between the head and the carb, doh
We finished it and I’m still alive! Thankfully day 2 was crane work. Had the young guy do the climbing portion and I did the rest with the bucket. Interesting tree, probably less than 100 years old, 1/2”-3/4” rings. The cavity went all the way to the ground but was filled to half way with debris. Last piece was 11,000lbs, I thought I would be heavier. IMG_6079.jpeg IMG_6081.jpeg IMG_6082.jpeg
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