How'd it go today?

Milling up stiles and rails for closet doors for a wall of built-in cabinets and dressers for Karen’s sister and brother-in-law’s new first floor living space.
Still can’t post photos…
Got started removing my pine.



It was a good time to quit. I needed a bigger saw, and I'm out of shape. It was crispy crunchy dead. Hard to believe it got so bad in less than a year. It was still green this spring.

I flagged a sassafras sapling to save, so of course I hit it with the third branch. That folded it over, but once I got down and cleared the debris, it doesn't look too bad. A little battered, but it'll be alright.


Forgot my new hitchnut, and I could've used it. Ripped a bunch of latex off my gloves, and it's a real bastard to work through the hitch, then when it pops out, you get a sudden drop as the hitch is easy to work again. Annoying.
I have pics around here somewhere to prove it! I was asking about the creeping death going up the tree, and then it just died. I'm not that familiar with the death stages of white pine, but the smaller branches lost all their structure. Nothing really there holding it together. I guess the stem was the same, but it was thick enough where I didn't feel unsafe, though I did take bigger tops than I had planned from the ground.

Apparently it was bark beetles. That's what the folks here said when I posted a pic of the critters.
You must have young children. When we first moved into the house that was the only dvd we could find for two weeks. Olaf still haunts my memories.
It’s been a few years 😉

They aren’t young any more

See YT frog leap studios for the metal version

I wasn’t a fan of frozen. I liked wall e, cars, the…dinosaur ones… with the squirrel…

Half the phrases I hear in a day make me think of a song
Stressful day. Wokeup at 4am and couldn't get back to sleep. Screw around the house all morning, go to work, then out to the trail to stake the rest of the pile. Boss pulls the gun out, and it doesn't work. Goes back to the office to get a backup, and it doesn't work either. I'm like "we've got to get this shit done. Setup on one of the nails we put in, sight another one forward, and I'll chain them in". So we do that, and it goes remarkably well. I haven't seriously chained points in 30 years. Knocked the first row out fast, and we pull to a control point just for a rough check since the gun isn't displaying angles or anything, and we're ~2.5' out. We're running around checking shit, and some stuff works, while others don't, and finally the boss realizes we're comparing direct points to the offsets we staked. Accounting for that, we were .03' out. Good enough for most things, and certainly good enough for pile. Day saved!

Get back to the office, eat lunch, and I start looking at the gun. Swapping parts around from the gear we have, and I think I've got a gun that works. Got home, dragged a little bit of wood out front, trimmed the stupid boxwood, and raked the driveway. I'll chip wood tomorrow. I'll be in bed early tonight. I'm tired and dragging.
Worked at the national guard armory today. Was supposed to do it last week but background checks didn’t clear yet. Pulled up to the guard shack and they did t even check id’s. Either they studied us so much they recognized us from the check or they didn’t really care. Turned into an easy 8 hour day. I then attempted to change the oil in the mini but had two broke down trucks in the mechanics building so no room for me. Probably a good thing since I’m feeling a bit foggy headed. I think I’ll go home after the boy’s karate class and go to bed.
Well, back to under the white flat bed again.
New starter seemed to get heat soaked and stop working till it cooled off. New motors run a tad hot on break in. Starter on the big blocks sits right below Cyl 4 next to the hot exhaust y pipe joining to run out the back of the vehicle. 460s are notorious for eating starters with heat.
So I wrapped the starter with a heat blankie to insulate it. I also changed out the solenoid on the fender well since that had acted up previously. Dang thang ran great on every test run that got it further out on longer runs. It would restart just fine. Took Lilly to work a couple times. All was going great till I went back to pick her up. Same drive I had just taken earlier to bring her there. No start. Clickity Click. Jump start, clickity Click.
Let it cool off for a bit and she starts. Go out in the morning, fires right up. Battery is brand new, as is the alternator, ground and positive cables, etc. Seems starters these days just ain't what they used to be. Lucky to even get a year or three when they work out of the box.
Bought this one new right when the motor went down and waited for the motor to be in stalled to use. Just sat in the cab of the truck. Waiting for it's moment.
Oh well.
Just went through it with the diesel. At least they warranty the damn things.

More crap with the insurance company for the vehicles. Used to have our home through them too. I bought us some expensive time today to shop more options. I might just run them all under Progressive since the flat beds have to go through them under commercial anyway.
I don't remember signing up for administrative duty. I was more the field guy. :lol:
No, actually, I usually ending up having to do it all anyway. Katy tried taking it over and found out why I usually get pissed at them and just do it.
Dagnabit Stephan! You weren't supposed to catch Gertrude's gremlin!

I've had a few starters bad out of the box in the last several years, so now I have the store test them before I even take them outside. It's beyond aggravating to install a bad starter and have to go through all the bull again.
And just imagine...I've been doing this same old shite for a whole lot longer than most of y'all...your theoretical payout (which is actually a deep hole we never will be able to escape ;)) is still gonna be building for decades to come :D.