Well, back to under the white flat bed again.
New starter seemed to get heat soaked and stop working till it cooled off. New motors run a tad hot on break in. Starter on the big blocks sits right below Cyl 4 next to the hot exhaust y pipe joining to run out the back of the vehicle. 460s are notorious for eating starters with heat.
So I wrapped the starter with a heat blankie to insulate it. I also changed out the solenoid on the fender well since that had acted up previously. Dang thang ran great on every test run that got it further out on longer runs. It would restart just fine. Took Lilly to work a couple times. All was going great till I went back to pick her up. Same drive I had just taken earlier to bring her there. No start. Clickity Click. Jump start, clickity Click.
Let it cool off for a bit and she starts. Go out in the morning, fires right up. Battery is brand new, as is the alternator, ground and positive cables, etc. Seems starters these days just ain't what they used to be. Lucky to even get a year or three when they work out of the box.
Bought this one new right when the motor went down and waited for the motor to be in stalled to use. Just sat in the cab of the truck. Waiting for it's moment.
Oh well.
Just went through it with the diesel. At least they warranty the damn things.
More crap with the insurance company for the vehicles. Used to have our home through them too. I bought us some expensive time today to shop more options. I might just run them all under Progressive since the flat beds have to go through them under commercial anyway.
I don't remember signing up for administrative duty. I was more the field guy.

No, actually, I usually ending up having to do it all anyway. Katy tried taking it over and found out why I usually get pissed at them and just do it.