How'd it go today?

Ha Steve, I was trying to build it up as a bad day, but then allowing as how it rocked (don't sweat the petty stuff).

We got the rest of the trees down today, basically. Got the two limbs over the lines down within 40 minutes of getting there. Got all the brush loaded and hauled, the trunks are all that remain. We got rained out, but have 1 trunk loaded, 1 trunk down and bucked, and the bee trunk still up. I'll flop it first thing in the morning and spray the hell out of them, again.

Yesterday I predicted I'd get stung three times. It happened today, 2 were nothing but one on my index finger's knuckle got the knuckle/hand a bit swollen.

All in all a good day :)
I did a bid in the AM and the lady booked the job. She started telling me about her husband who died in April and started crying. He was 59 years old and they were in Hawaii and he fell and scraped his knee. I guess he got some really bad infection and it ended up killing him. Anyway it was quite awkward with her crying and me not know what to do. Then I worked on my truck the rest of the day.
Did you get the job?

Under Armor worked great today, going to try it again tomorrow.

I got chills and goose bumps as the temp climbed over 90* by popping the shirt on my stomach/chest.

Just wearing the under shirt, when a slight breeze would come by, I'd get a bit nippy.
Evened out a couple of Norway maples after the line clearance had been by a customers. They had done not a bad job at all just the trees are in the wrong place. Then fell and cleaned up a infested pine(mountain pine beetle) right in all these fancy lakeview/lakeshore homes. Had a neighbor give me the 'yah I woulda done it just like that'. Suuurrrrrre ya woulda.

Brian watch what that dude may spray on your rope when killing the bees.
Looong day today. I wrecked out a big Silver Maple, whacked and ground the stump on a little Magnolia and ground an Elm stump in the dark. I am going fishing tomorrow.
Did you get the job?

Under Armor worked great today, going to try it again tomorrow.

I got chills and goose bumps as the temp climbed over 90* by popping the shirt on my stomach/chest.

Just wearing the under shirt, when a slight breeze would come by, I'd get a bit nippy.

I tell ya bud, the wicking clothing works WONDERS when it gets warm. and it works well in cool weather under raingear, for those north of the 49th...

Under armor or the 6 buck knock off at wallyworld is the way to go, for the south anyway. Hell the cold gear type works great for winter too.

Go to walmart and stock up Carl!
I am SICK TO MY STOMACHE OF STORMS!!!! We had another four inches of rain last ight:?
I was watching the storms on tv, then the cable went out. Then the sirens went off:\: Wife aske me what to do "Ge you're coat on and go next door!"
I went out in the back, the sky was the greenest I have ever seen, almost forest green, nasty stuff! I looked to the west and saw a wall cloud and nothing but black! I tried to get ahold of the guys at work to tell them to bail and my cell service died right after I talked to an APM!!
The the entire sky started to rotate, and I mean EVERYTHING I COULD SEE was spinning!!
I ran for the basement, I'd seen enough!!
It was like that until 11:30 last night, I'm tired!
The weather here is foul, we can only do small jobs due to the wind (76 klm per hour)
we took out an old fan palm yesterday, i got 3 spikes in my arms and one in my middle left nuckel, my hand is the size of a baseball this morning.. BUMMER!!


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dropped the trunk from a big White OAk TD ,........girdled 100+ hemlocks slayted for removal in september..........:D
Why'd you girdle the hemlocks? Ohh... and I'm headed to NC for a conference at the Biltmore.
Why'd you girdle the hemlocks? Ohh... and I'm headed to NC for a conference at the Biltmore.

rest were treated with Safari.......remaining trees will be removed in Sept. A lot of family vacations scheduled between now and kill the half dead the rest. When are you in town?:/:

the White Oak nugget.....twin turbos = 2 GRCS:P
Nice chunka wood there John... is that hypoxolon canker I see all over it?

Picked my second kitty out of a tree this week... really cute owner... single too!
Nothing like getting kicked while you are down!!
Put on a new water pump. thermostat, upper and lower hoses. Flushed everything good (looked like sludge).
Took it for a test drive (Ford Ranger) and the rear brakes locked up:\:
Yeah, 280K, the springs gave out. Just got done.
I R not a happy camper.
OH YEAH, it gets better!! I just got told I need to go turn off the water at my wifes flip house, because someone called and noticed water?
Yeah, you see me outside, working in the yard, mowing, etc., KILL ME!! GET IT OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good heavens I'm off today,first complete weekend off in months . With a little luck if I get moving I can finish the sandstone patio today .
I cut out a mountainash, trimmed two Manitoba maples and a coupla poplars. It's amazing how 3 hours of treework that I love can rinse the bad taste of 50 hours of construction work that I hate. I guess it's all about balance. Isn't there a saying, "Hell is other people"?
Got some work done, and some other started today. Finished up that Norway Maple removal from Thursday this morning, finished around 12:30. Took a ride down the dead end where a 3 stemmed Red Oak fell across the drive, I cut them out wednesday just so they can get to work. Went and killed some time solo after the job today cutting up the beautiful wood and untangling the mess with the mini (god bless that machine:)). That work is at a house I hope to buy from them someday, so I am suggesting things I would be doing in the future but getting paid for it now.:D Love that place.

I'm pretty tired, gotta vacuum the house though.:(

Oh, I think I need another 200T, looks like when I dropped it out of the tree it might have gotten a hairline crack somewhere as there is gas very itsy slowly leaking from somewhere.
You need a spare 200T anyway, Brendon. But check the gas cap, those Stihl caps can crack inside and begin to leak long before the break is visible.

But more common is a leaking tank vent. Stihl keeps changing the tank vent design every couple years so there are many variations, but usually it's just a tiny microscopic piece of crud preventing the flapper from sealing and allowing fuel to escape.