I had a visit from Alaska!!!!
Stikine and his wife were in Copenhagen, because their daughter is at the university there.
So I took them out to see the most overdone, opulent, royal castle in the country,
Frederiksborg slot, a reminder that we were not always socialist.
Let me tell you, those two are just good company, I really enjoyed it.
Completely forgot to take pictures. Stikine's wife took plenty, so maybe some coming from that end.
Here is a picture of the hotsauce and jelly they brought from Alaska.....................made from Kelp!!!
I opened a bottle as soon as I got home. Very different, but really good!! I love hotsauce.
IMO the best thing parents can do for kids is shipping them halfway across the World and let them live and learn in a completely different culture/society.
Great when 'Housers can meet up like that. That is really a fine by-product of social media.