How'd it go today?

Boss found this on a job today, so now it's mine...


Seymour Smith & Son out of Conn. Also marked "Bell System". Must be pretty old. Any of you know anything about it? Maybe compatibility with something modern?
I'm so pissed right now...

I updated to Windows 11 a few days ago, and not only does this new operating system iteration sucks massive amounts of cock, but when I went to connect my external hard drive, which holds several hundred gigabytes of YouTube content (raw video and edited video), it says that my drive needs to be formatted, and shows that there's nothing on it.

I called the customer service line for my external hard drive, and they basically told me that I need to use some kind of recovery software. She sent me to a section of the Western Digital website which contains a list of nearly thirty different third party recovery software. I was like, "what the f*ck? They don't have their own recovery software for their own products?"

Then I explained to the lady on the phone how I will now have no choice but to buy a second external hard drive in order to perform the recovery since I don't have enough space on my computer. I'm shitting bricks right now because I'll probably lose my mind if I can't recover these files...and if these recovery programs don't allow for a external drive to external drive recovery process.

This is so insane. I guess I was going to buy a second drive anyways because the best way to truly back up files is by having two drives with two copies of the data to avoid against single points of failure. But even if I already had to drives, it wouldn't help me. I'd still have to recover all of the data. The new drive is coming from Amazon tomorrow at some point (there goes $165 that I kind of needed to survive), so I don't have to wait very long before I find out if this works.

Oh man, if I can't recover my files, I think I might seriously lose it. This is holding me back from editing new projects. I don't even want to think about it...but now I can't enjoy anything. It's holding my attention hostage. I wonder if I can go back to Windows 10 if I have to? Ugh.
I'm so pissed right now...

I updated to Windows 11 a few days ago, and not only does this new operating system iteration sucks massive amounts of cock, but when I went to connect my external hard drive, which holds several hundred gigabytes of YouTube content (raw video and edited video), it says that my drive needs to be formatted, and shows that there's nothing on it.

I called the customer service line for my external hard drive, and they basically told me that I need to use some kind of recovery software. She sent me to a section of the Western Digital website which contains a list of nearly thirty different third party recovery software. I was like, "what the f*ck? They don't have their own recovery software for their own products?"

Then I explained to the lady on the phone how I will now have no choice but to buy a second external hard drive in order to perform the recovery since I don't have enough space on my computer. I'm shitting bricks right now because I'll probably lose my mind if I can't recover these files...and if these recovery programs don't allow for a external drive to external drive recovery process.

This is so insane. I guess I was going to buy a second drive anyways because the best way to truly back up files is by having two drives with two copies of the data to avoid against single points of failure. But even if I already had to drives, it wouldn't help me. I'd still have to recover all of the data. The new drive is coming from Amazon tomorrow at some point (there goes $165 that I kind of needed to survive), so I don't have to wait very long before I find out if this works.

Oh man, if I can't recover my files, I think I might seriously lose it. This is holding me back from editing new projects. I don't even want to think about it...but now I can't enjoy anything. It's holding my attention hostage. I wonder if I can go back to Windows 10 if I have to? Ugh.
Avoid updates as much as possible, or keep an old machine, and only use the new when needed for compatibility issues. If it works, don't fix it. And keep powerful magnets away from the external drive. phones can contain powerful magnets.
Two steps forward, one back. Today was the back day. Pressure switch on the well pump is acting up. Pump was not happy to begin with, but seems to have had just about enough. I have a spare pump with switch that I'm pretty sure will swap right in. I found a couple bands that will work for locust in one of my many blade boxes. Then I promptly found a big spike in a log. Told my customer that I'd saw as much as I can with what I've got, then we'd have to square up so I can try to get some old ones sharpened. My board edger will start, but won't stay running. Probably key switch. I'll either have to hot wire the shutoff solenoid, or just unscrew it from the pump. :|:
I fought for a long time to keep Windows 10 until I read this article about how many fixes they did to the code which prevent against the most recent viruses. But I've never gotten a virus in my life because I have a stringent protocol that I follow to keep myself safe. I've never once wasted money on antivirus software either (which I'm pretty convinced is a scam). Maybe I've just been lucky, but I'm pretty certain that I just know what I'm doing.

For example, I create a new restore date on my laptop every two weeks. Easiest way to make solving any issues a breeze. I've only ever needed to fix software glitches, but, yeah, don't find yourself in a situation where you could solve a problem by restoring to an earlier date, only to realize that your most recent restore backup was six months ago or even longer!

Nevertheless, the Windows 11 interface sucks titanic quantities of donkey balls and I hate it. I feel like I'm using phone software on a computer now. Why do Microsoft and Apple think that making their software better means dumbing everything down and making it easier for the lowest common denominator user with low-to-non-existent tech skills and abilities? Maybe I just need to get used to it, but I'm pretty sure Windows 11 is terrible. It's all gone down hill since Windows 7. So then why am I still using it? Convenience, I suppose.

Going to plow through my computer right now and start deleting every single, solitary file that I no longer need. I've been putting this off for a long time and now I think I need to do it. That way I can consolidate all the important files and back them up tomorrow.

Oh lord, tomorrow can't come soon enough. I'm able to re-download all of my videos off of YouTube so long as my channel exists, but a) the file size/quality will not be the same as the original, b) the files won't be able to be used in my editing software anymore because I no longer will know what I saved them as previously, and b) I will still have lost all of my raw footage.

We'll see what happens. I'm praying to the data deities!
Get better soon David!

Knotty, your files are still probably on the drive, and are probably fine. A data only drive dying during a windows upgrade is highly suspect. It's most likely windows being stupid. Stephen's suggestion of a bootable gnu/linux usb is excellent.
I fought for a long time to keep Windows 10 until I read this article about how many fixes they did to the code which prevent against the most recent viruses. But I've never gotten a virus in my life because I have a stringent protocol that I follow to keep myself safe. I've never once wasted money on antivirus software either (which I'm pretty convinced is a scam). Maybe I've just been lucky, but I'm pretty certain that I just know what I'm doing.

For example, I create a new restore date on my laptop every two weeks. Easiest way to make solving any issues a breeze. I've only ever needed to fix software glitches, but, yeah, don't find yourself in a situation where you could solve a problem by restoring to an earlier date, only to realize that your most recent restore backup was six months ago or even longer!

Nevertheless, the Windows 11 interface sucks titanic quantities of donkey balls and I hate it. I feel like I'm using phone software on a computer now. Why do Microsoft and Apple think that making their software better means dumbing everything down and making it easier for the lowest common denominator user with low-to-non-existent tech skills and abilities? Maybe I just need to get used to it, but I'm pretty sure Windows 11 is terrible. It's all gone down hill since Windows 7. So then why am I still using it? Convenience, I suppose.

Going to plow through my computer right now and start deleting every single, solitary file that I no longer need. I've been putting this off for a long time and now I think I need to do it. That way I can consolidate all the important files and back them up tomorrow.

Oh lord, tomorrow can't come soon enough. I'm able to re-download all of my videos off of YouTube so long as my channel exists, but a) the file size/quality will not be the same as the original, b) the files won't be able to be used in my editing software anymore because I no longer will know what I saved them as previously, and b) I will still have lost all of my raw footage.

We'll see what happens. I'm praying to the data deities!
It is very likely data can be recovered from your HDD if it wasn't wiped with a magnet.

Windows 8 was already a smart phonish move in the wrong direction. Supposedly Linux is so much better if you know how to use it.

Society is on a decline, and art and engineering are suffering. In my opinion, that, in part with stupid (or smart depending on how you look at it) business decisions, is probably why Windows has changed so much for the worse. 10 years ago I could easily imagine desktop computers way better than they've ended up today. The tech exists, but they won't use it in a smart way.
Here's a link to an older version of PartedMagic. It's a distro oriented towards system rescue. Download it(1.7gb), write it to usb, then boot to it. Read about here, or buy a more updated version...

I think pizza and or old oat milk. IV to rehydrate, also shot for pain and nausea. Today I’m just weak. Probably ok tomorrow.
My uncle almost died from food poisoning once and became seriously ill on another occasion. Chicken once and beef once if I recall correctly. Fast food, I believe. He became a vegan and mostly makes his own food because of it. 🤷‍♂️
Should have been a rain day but to much to be done for that nonsense. My crew serviced our trucks and then went out for a quick removal. I love these last minute emergency trees. Ended up soaked. There is now a giant puddle in my garage where my saw pants and sweatshirt are hanging. Actually we had a good day though. We just embraced the suck and made it enjoyable.
I just finished doing a bit of reading on grounding or earthing. Seems that there are some conflicting studies on the matter. Nothing harmful. Just some studies say it holds no truth to the claims. Others claim a lot of benefits. I guess it could be snake oil but what’s it gonna hurt to be outside barefoot for a few minutes every morning?
It went poorly. Very poorly.

I've thrown an exorbitant amount of money and time at my external hard drive calamity and nothing has worked. I've been up for 24 hours working on this. I even tried going back to Windows 10 and now even it won't recognize my drive.

Ready to go on a tristate killing spree (not actually, but metaphorically, for sure).

Windows can go piss up a rope, shovel shit against the tide, and kick the biggest -- and I mean the biggest -- boulder that it can find. This may be the last time I ever use Windows.

Have maybe one more potential solution to try before I throw even more money at the problem and take it to some kind of expert. I'll probably be eating dog food for the next two months at this rate. F*ck my life. If I lose these files...ugh...I don't even want to think about it.