Egg hunt today. Not my cup of tea, not my holiday or holy day. But, the kids love this kinda crap, so we went. I'm bad about snapping pictures, but I did get one of me and Gir-Baby while she was smiling for a change.
I hate weekends right now, the two days out of the week when job hunting is pointless. Gonna bother the fellow with the paint work on Monday, and hope I don't catch him in the middle of something important. I know I hate stopping a spray rig once I start, or anything else concerning paint, really.
Still trying to figure out my exit strategy. I've got to get out of here, away from the ex. Not sure what the best path is. Obviously "Job" is the top of the list, but that job will dictate how I leave. I've gotta save up a grip of cash and buy a piece of land. That land will end up being in the sticks, likely further out than I am now. Thus I need fuel saving wheels. I can only save so much if I've got a V8 munching at my money. But, I may end up living in my truck while I bank up as much dough as I can, or getting a rental of some flavor, depends on the job. Can I afford rent, utilities, etc, while also saving 15-20% of every dollar I take home? Can I keep a job while living in a camper in my truck? Will Gertrude hold together long enough for me to pull this off? All this is answered by my current daily mantra "Get A Job".
I can't let myself get stuck in renter's prison, paying all buy the tiniest fractions of my income to a landlord and never owning anything. I need to get and hold a job for at least a year, while also living as cheaply as I can, so I can put some of my own dirt under my feet again. Either I buy an acre or so of undeveloped land, at the end of another rough dirt road, hopefully cash outright. Or the alternative is a big fat down payment on a low priced owner-will-carry, so I can keep the payments both lower and fewer.
Apartments and trailer parks are out, my dogs are a no-go. The boys have a purpose, and the aggression inherit in that purpose makes them ill suited to urban life. It would be nothing short of a protracted death sentence for them, and a world of pain and problems for me. To be fair, that's the biggest hang up in my program, my dogs. I didn't ask for, or really want either of them, truth be told, they where feisted upon me, and now she's made it clear that they go with me when I go. 100lbs of Rottweiler is a pretty firm "NO" from any landlord i know of.
Anywho, end of existential venting...

I hate weekends right now, the two days out of the week when job hunting is pointless. Gonna bother the fellow with the paint work on Monday, and hope I don't catch him in the middle of something important. I know I hate stopping a spray rig once I start, or anything else concerning paint, really.
Still trying to figure out my exit strategy. I've got to get out of here, away from the ex. Not sure what the best path is. Obviously "Job" is the top of the list, but that job will dictate how I leave. I've gotta save up a grip of cash and buy a piece of land. That land will end up being in the sticks, likely further out than I am now. Thus I need fuel saving wheels. I can only save so much if I've got a V8 munching at my money. But, I may end up living in my truck while I bank up as much dough as I can, or getting a rental of some flavor, depends on the job. Can I afford rent, utilities, etc, while also saving 15-20% of every dollar I take home? Can I keep a job while living in a camper in my truck? Will Gertrude hold together long enough for me to pull this off? All this is answered by my current daily mantra "Get A Job".
I can't let myself get stuck in renter's prison, paying all buy the tiniest fractions of my income to a landlord and never owning anything. I need to get and hold a job for at least a year, while also living as cheaply as I can, so I can put some of my own dirt under my feet again. Either I buy an acre or so of undeveloped land, at the end of another rough dirt road, hopefully cash outright. Or the alternative is a big fat down payment on a low priced owner-will-carry, so I can keep the payments both lower and fewer.
Apartments and trailer parks are out, my dogs are a no-go. The boys have a purpose, and the aggression inherit in that purpose makes them ill suited to urban life. It would be nothing short of a protracted death sentence for them, and a world of pain and problems for me. To be fair, that's the biggest hang up in my program, my dogs. I didn't ask for, or really want either of them, truth be told, they where feisted upon me, and now she's made it clear that they go with me when I go. 100lbs of Rottweiler is a pretty firm "NO" from any landlord i know of.
Anywho, end of existential venting...