How'd it go today?

Speedy recovery. There's a cold/flu running rampant in my area that everyone is taking turns getting.
My good bud, since the mid 70s, just got covid for the first time. Very healthy, I think I remember him having the flu once in the 70s. Quite sick. My sister just got it for the first time around Thanksgiving. Very healthy. Quite sick. At least people are not dropping like flies anymore.

How did it go today? Colonoscopy! Woo hoo.
Hope they found nothing!

Went into work this morning and reclimbed the tree to add slack to the telco line. Didn't help, internet was still broken. Verizon was supposed to be in around 1pm. Boss didn't have anything ready, so I went home. I'd have done some treework there, but I had a couple things I wanted to do. Got a 2G bottle of hydraulic fluid for me, and some women's gloves for the boss. He has little hands, and all TSC had in about his size was woman's stuff. They don't look bad. The fabric is kind of plum color, and the rest is leather. He'll probably be a bitch about it, but I'd wear them. I can't help he's sized like a little girl :^D
Are you expressing a general opinion or pretending to know what tests I took and how sick I am? Just want to be sure before I add you to the ignore list.
Give Skwerl a chance, he's a good guy, he's just under the same illusion most are, that we have a say in who runs the asylum.

Bro, stay home! I caught the flu in late 2019, just before everything hit the fan. Misery dipped in shit, it was.
Caught the Coof, mine was a long, lingering, creeping crud. Awful, but bearable.

Then I caught the two together. Apocalyptic!

Feel better, or else!
I think the national critter for Denmark is a Ladybug.

On second thought, probably a hog.
Rough night number two for sleep. Every year, when I go to visit my parents at their house, I'm met with the same obstacle: the bed which is always assigned to me.

Now there's nothing wrong with it structurally; the issue lies within the mattress. My parents like really firm mattresses. I like mine somewhere in the middle between firm and soft. But this mattress that I've been supplied with for the third year in a row has me losing my shit more than the last two years. I tried sleeping on the couch, but I just can't stand it either.

So this morning, I caved and bought a $60 air mattress off Amazon; one that can be delivered today for use tonight. God help me if I every waste another minute on that slab of concrete. I've had more comfortable sleep in hospitals and detoxes and that's saying A LOT.

Considering I still have 7 more nights at my parent's place, at $8.50/night, the air mattress will be worth it and I'll have it for the years to come waiting for me, making me less likely to hang it up over the holidays. =-D
I drove Chase vehicle for a couple with a balloon.
Every five times I drove earned me a free trip - great ‘gifts’ to spread around.
I tried to give a trip to my arborist friend David, and his wife said, “No! It’s too dangerous.”
My reply, “Julie, you do know what David and I do for a living?!??”

(John, We usually launched from Calvert, Maryland Elementary’s schoolyard next to the Brick Meetinghouse Oak which we climbed, as she was a teacher there)
Where does the balloon launch from?
That is pretty much up to me.
Got several choices all over the country.

Last flying trip she bought for me was a helicopter ride over The Berner Alps in 2014.
As we flew away from matterhorn and over Eiger, Mönch and Jungfrau, the pilot said to me: " might want to look down right now!"
I was sitting next to him and we passed right over Eiger Nordwand......The North Face to you yanks.
Blew my little flatlander mind completely.........a near vertical 3 kilometer face!!!
I'm working my ass off for this one. Round was pretty wet, and it's requiring a lot of attention from me...


Spot in her house...


Pretty decent day. Found a new discount grocer, and they have some interesting stuff. Scored some FinnCrisp for $3/box.
Last day of the last job of the year. with rain of course. All is wet, muddy, rusty and moldy.
Sad job, as the little forest in a castle's ground is ill. Plenty of trees are dying or even fall apart everywhere. Maple, oak, pine, elm, hornbeam, ash, hawthorn, black locust... so many species are really struggling. It's a big security concern too, on top of the ecological loss.

Shit, I forgot my pizza in the oven, again. This time it's past the brownish state and I don't think it can be more crispy ! Good news, my new teeth hold well facing that, but this time I think I'll pass and instead open a can of cassoulet .
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