Yea, I'd love one that can just about shove a whole tree in, but then you need the infrastructure to support it. I specifically wanted the 6" cause it's easy to deal with using small trucks, and can fit in small areas.
This is all still just a hobby for me. I originally got a bug up my ass for a chipper on that job next to the office I abandoned. So much shit to deal with, and being grossly underequipped to deal with it caused crushing despondence. A 6" chipper would have been amazing, and it would have been easier ripping down 28" trees to feed it than the nonsense I was doing, not to mention all the little stuff that the chipper was made for.
We'll see where it goes from here. Maybe some day I'll have a bunch of big stuff, but I'm getting a little old for that. Being light and nimble has it's own set of advantages.