One of these days I'm going to learn to at least climb with spurs for chunking down removals.
Buy ones with comfy pads. I also recommend that you get both tree and pole gaffs, lots of guys I know don't like the long "western" spikes on eucs and other hard, thin barked trees. If you don't get enough spur sink, you end up kind of unstable, balancing on a pinpoint kinda thing, because you are. It's a personal thing, and I keep a torx and my short spikes in the harness bag, but I've yet to put them back on the climbers.
I find steel climbers perfectly fine, and if you're not doing palms on a production basis, you probably will too. My cousin loves his aluminum Notch Geckos, ive got the steels and like them fine. Huge pads, very comfy. I also recommend velcro lower straps, they fit better than buckles and are more comfortable, and will likely be my next gear purchase.
I've been trying a set of foot plates from Buckingham. They're coming off, mui Pronto. They suck, your shoe/boot can't get purchase on them and they slide around under your feet because the shank of the climber can't lock into your arch. Since I don't own a pair of lineman boots anymore, I thought they'd help save my arches lol. Screw them lol.
If anyone knows what the heck those two random holes on the shank are for, please tell me! I've heard rumors that there's to be a jetstep type ascender that will bolt there. I've also heard it's or an alternative gaff placement, which doesn't make much sense to me.
Also, see those bolts sticking through the gaff? The ones that hold the spikey bit to the strappy bit? Everyone should pull those out and inspect them from time to time, and the threads in the gaff itself. The ones on my old Kleins rusted, the threads of the gaff gave out and that's how I took my fall. Well, the mechanical reason, complacency lies at the core.