How'd it go today?

If I may offer one piece of advice which I hope you take, but I'm afraid you won't. When your mouth digs you into a hole, the very first rule is to STOP DIGGING!
how many years has it been now? you would think I woulda took the advice a looooong time ago

what I really gotta do is just delete all social media and go read a damn book
Quick question for everyone. What does everyone do with crane slings that have been removed from service? I’ve got two big boxes of them. We pull them after a years use just for piece of mind. Still good, tags are gone though. I only need so many tow straps.
I use them for non critical rigging. Usually ground stuff for redirects and things like that for hauling logs. Any place failure is merely a nuisance, and not a disaster. I figure it saves wear/tear on my good stuff. And of course towstraps :^D
its only my right middle finger, none of the others hurt, its not red or swollen just hurts and feels like I have to strain a little to bend it even tho its bending alright, not quite bad enough for painkillers and I want to feel whats going on with it anyways so im not taking any

anyone experience this?
I've had that. More times than not it's a thorn as Mick noted, but sometimes it's a mystery. Maybe something punctured in, and pulled out. Perhaps a cable strand? Mine always get better after a day or two.
arthritic joints,
Any idea what it is from- old injury, overuse, old age?

Do you do anything in particular to battle it- meds, cold water, exercise?

Which joints, if you don't mind my asking....asking for a friend ;)
Off today, so I went grocery shopping. Didn't get a chance over the weekend. I registered to bid on the chipper online. I'd prefer going in person, but I have jobs I have to be at the next couple days. If anyone has a few minutes to kill, could you look over the auction pics to see if anything jumps out as being a deal breaker?

Uncle Al can tell you about building a fire under old dozers to get a chance at starting in cold weather.
@Al Smith
Theres a trick or two you can use .First on the old Cats is getting the pony motor started .Roll it over first on decomp then on fuel off .Use a torch over the intake to heat up the air then kick in the fuel .It will moan,groan,fart and finally fire up on two while blowing smoke rings for half an hour until the other two cylinders finally decide to run . Actually these days the only one I have in running condition is an Oliver OC-6 with a gasoline engine .It always starts .It's tarped down up on rail road ties in case it decides to snow deep as the azz on a tall Indian .It's been years since that .
It’s mostly age-related-changes. My Mother had bad, disfiguring osteo-arthritis and I seem to have her genes more than my Dad’s as far as that goes. My brothers seem to have my Dad’s phenotype: all lost their hair, are taller, and none of the arthritis or heart issues. My head of hair, heart issues, and lesser height are reminiscent of my Mother’s side of the family tree.

Warmth and gentle exercise to start the day helps. Worse in the cold.
I may have to fit them in on Thursday or Friday. It turns out my Primary Care Physician is retiring and I’ll be at his farewell party Saturday morning, followed by the annual holiday get-together for the First State Woodturners at noon, and then another holiday party at 6pm!!?!!
(I really need to make a habit of looking ahead at the calendar 🤣)

Mike said: “If I can line up babysitting, can I join you? It’s a long shot but a possibility. Wife working this weekend.”
Off today, so I went grocery shopping. Didn't get a chance over the weekend. I registered to bid on the chipper online. I'd prefer going in person, but I have jobs I have to be at the next couple days. If anyone has a few minutes to kill, could you look over the auction pics to see if anything jumps out as being a deal breaker?

I’ve never seen a hitch like that. I’ve never hauled anything besides a 3000lb trailer either.
Yea, I'm not familiar with that kind of hitch either, but all I know is what I happen to notice while out and about.