How'd it go today?

finished up the land clearing job (almost, burn ban till thursday)

friend of a friend hooked me up on hauling the logs too, I was going to have to spend a whole day hauling these across town with my trailer and make 5 or 6 trips, $250 he loads himself and he's gone, all I had to do was show him the pile of logs then I went off doing my own stuff while he loaded, LOVE the old R model MACK
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Just got out of the shower and smelled the disgusting stench of stinkbug. I thought it was in my shirt, and when I went to take it off, I saw something dark in my beard. Stinkbug! Must have been in my shirt before I put it on. Washed it down the drain, and dowsed my beard in aftershave. Now all I smell is pine trees, alcohol, and stinkbug. Ruined an otherwise decent day in the woods :^S

I bought it cause I wanted to smell pine trees. It's a little more abstract than I was looking for, but it grew on me. I usually spray it on my chest when I get out of the shower.
the disgusting stench of stinkbug
we built a chicken coop a year or two ago, using a coil gun to hang chicken wire, first time using this nail gun in 5 years or so and of course about 10 stinkbugs made a home inside it, first shot and the gooey exhaust hits my dad right in the beard
I will let you figure out the rest of that day, yes he made me smell it, no I didnt have as bad a reaction as I did that lettuce but it was close
That's an impressive little saw.

Now just because from time to time I have to re-establish my safety maven creds :) really should adopt the practice of wrapping your thumbs on the handles, to allow you to have a better chance of controlling a kickback.

I know you are working in generally controlled situations (although one of the worst kickback injuries I'm aware of happened at a woodcutting pile, like where you test your saws), but this last set of vids is out in the woods, running a saw with very high output and an extra-long bar for the wood it is cutting.

Those things all add up to a higher-than-average chance of nicking some other wood with the tip, and that beast could be in your face or crotch in a split second.

Worth considering, I think.
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That's an impressive little saw.

Now just because from time to time I have to re-establish my safety maven creds :) really should adopt the practice of wrapping your thumbs on the handles, to allow you to have a better chance of controlling a kickback.

I know you are working in generally controlled situations (although one of the worst kickback injuries I'm aware of happened at a woodcutting pile, like where you test your saws), but this last set of vids is out in the woods, running a saw with very high output and an extra-long bar for the wood it is cutting.

Those things all add up to a higher-than-average chance of nicking some other wood with the tip, and that beast could be in your face or crotch in a split second.

Worth considering, I think.
Yeah, I catch myself sometimes, but often don't realize it or think about it even though I'm always on the lookout for kickback triggers. I think it may be caused by how I try to make the most of my fingers, in this case it is probably for extra support.

Feel free to remind me however often you want.
We've been here before, you and I :). All good.


I bought it cause I wanted to smell pine trees. It's a little more abstract than I was looking for, but it grew on me. I usually spray it on my chest when I get out of the shower.
I thought you had beard oils?
Not exactly. I have a solid cologne I bought cause it promised trees, but didn't really deliver. I sometimes use that in my beard. I also have a Thai made massage(?) oil I got my daughter in a set, and I ended up with it. I think it's a rice bran oil base, with dark spices like cinnamon, clove, and nutmeg. Good for winter. It isn't something I often use. Mainly when my beard's sticking out a lot, or if I just want to smell something. Just a way to get rid of stuff I have laying around.
Long ass day grading road for wedge and level, made longer due to some blown grades I had to re mark. Not sure who to blame it on. Maybe me, maybe the boss. My program can autogenerate grades. You can build templates, which I seldom do, or you can just get the elevation of the profile grade line(PGL), and adjust off of that. Anyway, the program lets you enter a subgrade which is just an adjustment from the PGL, and it can be useful for constant offsets at constant cross slopes. It can also bite you in the ass if you don't pay attention to what you're doing with it.

I gave the boss a couple of adjustments to enter, and stressed it has to be reset to 0 after we were finished. Well, he didn't reset it, and I didn't check it, so I blew a bunch of grades and had to redo them. That's added to the usual frustration of dealing with him on the gun. Half the time I'm basically running the gun blind, telling him which buttons to push, and setting up numbers by memory. It usually works after a fashion, but I can't keep track of stuff as easily as I used to. I try to set things up several steps ahead so he has to do the minimum, but there's always something that slips between the cracks, and since I'm not right there, it doesn't jump right out at me.
Beautiful day outside today, and i got to enjoy it doing underground as opposed to working in a basement. Got the old pipe cut and flown out, new pipe welded up and placed in the ditch, and tie ins tomorrow. Backs still bugging me, thank God i have a young apprentice to help with the grunt work.
My back also. Might give a chiropractor a shot. Never have before, but why not? Should have tried one years ago.

They've helped me a ton over the years, but i really haven't back since chemo because I've been scared because of the arthritis. Massages, especially by a trained masseuse or physical therapist can also work wonders.
A big session at the dentist. Big as 4 usual ones tied together.
I delayed the visit at the dentist for years. Actually the covid cut me short in my tracks to repair the first damaged tooth, a molar crumbling by a old repaired cavity starting again. Then more cavities added progressively, a lot of pain when each went worse, deep infections too. But I kept going, manhandling that like an idiot. Now, it's catastrophic, 9 teeth involved, ranging from the tiny discreet cavity ( just one like that) to the teeth totally destroyed with the bone severely excavated. Maybe it should be wise to do something...

But the dentist was classified as the least favorite thing to do for quite a long time. Until recently, when a relatively new decayed tooth pushed an infection deep into the bone, messing up the maxillary nerve and sending some nasty stuff inside the body's main stream, fever, heart pumping hard with no reason, short flu-like symptoms... It isn't a legend to scare the kinds, it can happen, I tell you.
So I switched the dentist's classification from evil (mostly unjustified I recon) to savior !
First, some antibiotic began to clean the mess (not finished yet, I'll have an other shot). Then, the hard work. Four teeth drilled and devitalized. Well, 3 of them were already completely dead, so that went almost smoothly. One was still alive and that was less fun. The bad part was the extraction of two molars, or rather what was left of them. Anesthesia yes, still painful. But I was not done yet. Under these two molars was a clump of cyst, infected of course. The dentist had to dig out all the nasty stuff to the genuine bone. That was really bad. I can't imagine what it would be with no anesthesia.
Now it's repair time before rebuild. Tough, an other molar has to go out, next time maybe. Not too happy about it, but it has to be done.