How'd it go today?

Doing all you can to burn it means having some leaf blowers set up to speed up the burn rate.
Been there done that

So much dry pine that I had flames shooting off the top about 12ft at times
Was a very warm day lol, burned maybe 100yards of brush if I had to guess and have another 100-150 to go
Thx, but that's nothing special where I'm from, but it's what i do all day and i figured I'd grab a pic. Those are socket welds which are much easier anyways, especially the thicker ones like that. There's lots of guys that make me look dumb, I've worked with some flat out wizards with the stuff.
Yup, just getting there! I took it easy tonight, Had the beer pictured, then a glass of Pussers rum, and finished off with Høvding akvavit. Drinking pink apple & lemon seltzer water currently :^D
Rob and I rigged down about 4, 45'+oaks and some prep for more into a 10X15' DZ. Then him and the HO drag the limbs down hill to where the mini could forward them. All over a house and car ports. HO will butcher the brash down further for fire wood as he burns it this winter. Logs he'll buck and process before I go back to finish 4 more. Make for a total of 13. I had started the job by felling some out for him to clean up that were in my way and saved the best ones for tie ins and rigging. Basically able to swing over from my TIP to prep two and kill 4.
Came home to cook dinner and prep stuff for tomorrows Veteran Shoot at the range. Hamburgers and Brats. Local restaurant buddy donated the meat, buns and condiments. My company took care of Ice, Water, fixins to put on the burgers, charcoal (oak) and grills. I'll be the cook. Might get some practice rounds though :/: :D
Should be a good time.
Kinda tired and need a shower though
One would think. But here we are with a letter from ...... wait for it..... the government..... wanting more information because of a lack of information from the claimant. Which the damn EDD should have by just accessing my EIN.
Nice evening, but a little warm. I kind of wanted a fire, but didn't want to waste a Swedish candle on a warm night. I got some trash wood together, and the dregs of the last candle, and made a little open fire + a glass of Powers Irish for stikine :^D

boring day, just made a taco and noticed the lettuce looked funny so I gave it a sniff, ive had all sorts of nasty stuff on me from diesel to sewage, never once has a smell made me gag, but that rotten lettuce just did it

p.s when using a garden hose to wash a grease plug out of a septic tank, make sure not to move the hose to a point where it can spray directly back into your mouth/face... still better than rotten lettuce