How'd it go today?

I feel bad. Some virus found me. My stomach is locked, making me all nauseous. It wants to puke but nothing comes out. All the muscles and the joints are in pain, like I didn't find a still position for more than 1 minute the first night. Fewer, something like sharp waves of pressure in the brain. Now the throat is attacked.
It isn't the strongest strike I encountered, but still, I can't do anything for the moment beside sleeping time to time one hour or so. Fun..
Hey man, I hope you feel better. I dont know what the healthcare is like in your country, but don't be afraid go to the ER if you start feeling faint. As someone with a neurological vomiting disorder (Cyclical Vomiting Syndrome), I know how quickly dehydration can get out of hand. Sometimes intravenous fluids is the answer. The more dehydrated you get, the more nauseous you become. Otherwise, try taking a shower. That always helps me with nausea and vomiting. A hot shower. Best of luck.
We wrapped up a two days of oak removals plus one big basswood, 16 of them, some floppers but most were piece apart over targets no clean up. Boy did we leave a massive mess for the other guy to clean up. He asked for it.
Wheels are dangerous. Holes are in general. When I'm climbing around on forms I have to make a conscious effort to not stick my fingers in the holes. One slip, and your finger could stay while you drop. A guy I worked with lost a finger setting up a volleyball net for Boy Scouts. The post was welded to a wheel, he was rolling it into position, and his finger found it's way into a hole. Pulled it off.
picked up a new 16" bar for my 194t and 3 chains, so far ive got 12", 14" and 16" .043, .050, 3/8" and .325 pitch for 3 tophandles and a polesaw lol, I have a stockpile of them as they get bent or worn out
200t is in the shop, should have it back soon
also got a small weaver rope bag for my climb line and zigzag for crane work, I had been using a little lightweight bag that wouldnt stay open, sucked to put 200ft of rope in 10-20 times a day
Have you used regular and narrow kerf on the same saws? If so, is the cut speed amazingly different, or not so much? Been thinking about narrow kerf for my 2511 as a compromise between ⅜lp and ¼, but that would further complicate my chain situation, which I'm not too keen on.
The things evolve a bit. My stomach is no more locked, That's good. But my throat is angry and doesn't want to cooperate. I drink difficultly a little iced tea bit by bit to keep the water level sufficient. Luckily, I loose some water only by sweating, so that's reasonable, even if I cook myself with the electrical heater blower to help with the fewer.
The sugar in the iced tea is welcomed too because I ate only a slice of plum pie in 3 days. It's a tad light for the internal fight and the first repairs. I guess I will become very hungry when the circus will calm down.
Have you used regular and narrow kerf on the same saws? If so, is the cut speed amazingly different, or not so much? Been thinking about narrow kerf for my 2511 as a compromise between ⅜lp and ¼, but that would further complicate my chain situation, which I'm not too keen on.
.043 seems to cut maybe just a little faster then .050, but I havent compared new chains
I do have 3/8 pitch on my 261 and it runs much faster and easier to sharpen than the .325 it comes with stock
to add to the 3/8 on the 261
I mainly did it for one reason, usability, any one of my rear handle saws (minus the huskies and 881) take the same bars and chains, I can grab any bar off any of my saws and put it on whatever I want
all my tophandles (minus the huskies) take the same bars as well as my polesaw, again, I can switch whatever bar and chain I want onto whatever I want, plus I dont have to stock so many chains since they all work together

ive noticed .325 chain is shit, stihl and husky, seems they re labeled 3/8" bars for .325, they twist in the groove and dont cut well (just my experience)
My main complaint about .325 is practicality. For awhile all my saws took ⅜ or ⅜lp, and I have reels of chain for them. I then got a .325 and a ⅜lpnk saw, and it screwed up my system. .325 does feel weird to me though. I can't put my finger on exactly why, but I'm not a big fan. I'd like to convert my cs490 to ⅜lp, but I haven't put the time into seeing if that's viable.
what sprocket is on your 490? on my 261 all I had to do was switch out a rim sprocket to a 3/8" and I was switched over to match the rest of my stuff in all of 2 minutes and about $10
It's a rim, but I'd want to go with ⅜lp, and that makes it tricky for bars. Might make it tricky for rims also. I don't know if they make rims that size. I may be able to go with a ⅜ rim, and the lp would fit well enough, but I'd have to examine things closely. I tried a lp chain on a straight ⅜ bar once, and it *really* didn't like it. They should theoretically be the same size, but there's a geometry issue there that makes it not work well. I haven't studied why.

I have a handful of .325 chains I need to use up, and can start seriously looking at changing over. I'm hoping the .325 grows on me so I can just keep things "normal", but I really don't dig that pitch so far.
maybe the 3/8lp works in a .325 bar? havent tested it myself
personally id rather keep it a full size chain and not use LP on anything if I could, the bigger the chain the easier to sharpen, manufacture, etc
Nice pic. That ASV looks brand new. Your boss must have one helluva banker
Actually an older machine, but not ours. The ASV was working on another part of the campus, but we could radio for assistance.