How'd it go today?

Took care of the dead willow limbs overhanging the drive. Went picture perfect. It was favoring hitting the fence on the opposite side(out of frame), so we tethered it to the skidloader on the left side. I dropped it right in the middle of the drive where I wanted it. Didn't need the rope. Unfortunately there was a nest of baby birds in a hollow, and one got squished by the skidloader when boss was pushing wood. We put the remains of the nest and three surviving birds under the boat. Hopefully mom will find them and be able to handle it.

Got to use my new 355 for the first time doing work. That's a fantastic saw, but the weight is really noticeable compared to the 2511. Also used my old 4D saddle. I still really like that thing for spur work. Very comfy if I'm not hanging in rope. Good day, but if the boss helped when I first madeup the plan a couple months ago, there wouldn't have been birds in the limb. Got the three limbs to the right in the pic...

We started on a 600 cubic meter Doug fir logging project today.
254 thousand board feet, that's alot! How long will it take you? Do you just cut em down and buck them or do you haul em outta there too?
Hydro. Pumps are out just trying to figure how in the holy F u c k you are supposed to get the lower tank out. Which by the way just floats in the bottom of the machine. It could be a cracked tank or wore through. Yet to be determined.
Nothing so far. We had a seal go bad and had some seepage last week and thought that was the same problem but no. We should know tomorrow what’s what.
11:51PM, my bucket is back on the truck ready for work at 8am tomorrow
talk about down to the minute! gonna take a shower and stay up late to dry off, I got a long day of riding around hauling logs and making brush mountains for the groundies to get through while I sit in the A/C and haul more logs!

All that muscle in a little itty bitty package that is hard to even get hands and a wrench in. Its a marvel!!!!
I feel you my friend!
yeah, ive had the starter out of my boxer more times than I care to mention, its a PITA, had to fab up my own motor mounts since the holes in the block are stripped out, I welded the bolts to the original mounts and the welds snapped from the vibration (and welding cast with no pre heat maybe done it), all in all minis suck to work on
that GiAnt seems much easier to work on, but also I havent had to work on it, I think the back panels come off to access the engine?
On our dingo, you pretty much remove the front and fuel cell to get at the motor. Rear of the motor is a tough nut as all the hydraulics are in the way. So no starter access. Remove motor. Everything is doable. Patience is required.
We will be replacing the motor again soon. Little Honda GX 390. Just replaced one of the hydro pumps. That was a treat. Our dusty environment kills little Honda motors. I think we are going into our 4th replacement.
Two days of almost continuous rain for an ash and a maple removal. Fun fun fun. The garden turned into a swamp by all the walking around. The groundy went many time on his ass / knees by slipping. My poor porty and riging rope were all cacked with mudd. At least it was easy to choose witch side of the rope to pull to retrieve the working end. Cleaning time today.
Yea, frig vines. Virginia creeper is the most tolerable choice around here, but I'd rather have none.
So, first, i should have bought a descaler years ago!! Man it speeds things up!
I cut the shitty hitch job out and raised the hitch as well. Had some stout channel iron from another slated project. Bought a new reciever tube. I had some 7024 for the job since this turned into more of a refab instead of farm repair. Also had a couple of proper D rings for the tow chains as well on the shelf. This went way better than trying to repair 20230511_125256.jpg it. 20230511_102529.jpg 20230511_125410.jpg 20230511_104921.jpg 20230511_125249.jpg 20230511_125307.jpg
Craning out a vine covered silver maple today.
I hear ya.

Craned out an ash last summer with insane vines, so much so that I choked a leader and came down to cut it and realized I had choked the wrong leader, had to climb back up, that was a first. But at least we had a 55t to beat the F-all outta the tree.
Had to do slopestaking on a job today. Took forever to get it setup cause the plans are complete garbage. Do the slopestaking and that took forever cause the boss is terrible at slopestaking. I tell him if he ever does a good job, I'll let him pet Schnookums as a reward. Hasn't happened yet. Told him today he'd be petting Mamas as punishment, cause she wouldn't put up with his bullshit, and he'd get the sharp parts :^D