How'd it go today?

Stage one complete. Well until it rains tonight and the soil settles. I need to pick up some more lumber before starting the next part. I realized that I don’t want to change the grade as much as needed so I’m gonna change the blue prints. Also I’m adding more posts to the fencing that’ll go around it.
We also went to a baseball game today. It’s been a while for me. All the players looked like kids. The Rubberducks won. It was a good time. Just wish it wasn’t in the middle of the day. Kinda really stalled progress on the garden project.
if it makes you feel better, CV, ive been out in the shop for 2 days sanding and laying fiberglass, hit a low limb pulling out of a driveway and cracked my bucket :(
when it rains, it pours, 3 total times in 2 months ive had to pull the passenger outrigger out of my truck, twice to get it rebuild, last time it got overextended and snapped a fitting off, wouldnt retract and puked fluid everywhere, now the bucket getting cracked in all 4 corners and a mounting rib
I swear, if the hitch gets torn off my truck im going to quit trees, I keep getting back up but I keep getting knocked back down lol, im gonna keep kicking for now tho
Planted 4 sapling John gave me yesterday. I’ve generally been very thoughtful about what and where I’ve planted but I’m now taking a more lax’d approach.

Dealt with my 10 year old and 6 year old boys fighting over a large box a neighbor gave us yesterday. The 10 year old worked to get it into a fort and wanted to keep his younger brother out. This lead to having to close the windows because the boys were screaming loudly. 😩. Being a parent is HARD!!
if it makes you feel better, CV, ive been out in the shop for 2 days sanding and laying fiberglass, hit a low limb pulling out of a driveway and cracked my bucket :(
when it rains, it pours, 3 total times in 2 months ive had to pull the passenger outrigger out of my truck, twice to get it rebuild, last time it got overextended and snapped a fitting off, wouldnt retract and puked fluid everywhere, now the bucket getting cracked in all 4 corners and a mounting rib
I swear, if the hitch gets torn off my truck im going to quit trees, I keep getting back up but I keep getting knocked back down lol, im gonna keep kicking for now tho
Be careful with a repaired man baskets and OSHA. Owner operator you are good but you may want to replace the man basket if you have somebody else flying. I know a guy who got fined for two 1/4” holes drilled in for drainage.
Be careful with a repaired man baskets and OSHA. Owner operator you are good but you may want to replace the man basket if you have somebody else flying. I know a guy who got fined for two 1/4” holes drilled in for drainage.
yeah. good point, was planning to replace it anyways but between getting a company to answer the phone when I had free time, and lead time it wasnt gonna happen before I needed the bucket again
im still deciding if I want to scrap this boom and use the parts for other stuff, and have a mini skid rack behind the cab, or sell the truck entirely to make the down payment on a grapple truck
at this point ive got most of my equipment narrowed down to what I want, and a bucket truck isnt on that list, atleast till I get another driver, however I will probably still get a rear mount 75ft, or a used 115-130ft line truck, they go for good prices usually

drywall boom grapple truck (70 yard box, 65ft drywall boom with a mecanil grapplesaw, can run brush grapple too)
cmc 92hd+, or 83HD+ (still deciding if I want to spend the extra money)
Giant 254 with BMG
if I go that route, I will get a larger equipment trailer, probably an 18ft and haul the lift and giant on it, the drywall boom is a short stick crane for smaller jobs but still has brush/log handling capabilities and can run a grapple saw (mini tree mek)
buy 2-3 acres to put a shop on and dump brush at, once every 1 or 2 years rent a tub grinder and make piles of mulch which I can then sell
If you do decide to replace the bucket, I have had great luck with But a new bucket will probably run you $2k or more these days. I have one here off my 2001 Altec AM855 I will let go cheap but it's moldy from sitting fo4r 10 years. I have a liner also. Single man bucket.
I have one here off my 2001 Altec AM855 I will let go cheap but it's moldy from sitting fo4r 10 years. I have a liner also. Single man bucket.
can you send me some pics of the mount? I dont care about the mold, simple green and a brush will strip that off
I wonder what shipping would be like?
I figured 2K was about right for a bucket, although I will probably just scrap this boom before buying a new bucket for it, its well past being legal to run, and since I do line clearance sometimes, id like a boom that has a current dielectric test
Didn't do much today. A little easy fieldwork, and I sharpened a couple saws. Ate some red clover petals. First time. Tasted a bit like melon, which I thought was interesting. I went to a preschool when I was a kid, and in retrospect, the teachers were hippies. I remember making a tiedye Tshirt, and on a nature walk, one of the assistants had me eat a little pink clover flower. Subtle flavor, and light sweetness. I've been eating clover ever since :^D
Spent the day on the chipper maintenance. New light harness, knives, power wash, axle grease, etc... It is a white Altec. Edges of sheetmetal started to rust and I am thinking of repainting it.
Has anyone repainted a chipper? I am curious how far in the component removal people went.
Spent the day on the chipper maintenance. New light harness, knives, power wash, axle grease, etc... It is a white Altec. Edges of sheetmetal started to rust and I am thinking of repainting it.
Has anyone repainted a chipper? I am curious how far in the component removal people went.
pretty much, remove the hydraulic hoses and tires, any control levers you dont want to paint, pop the tail lights out and tape over the gauges/ignition, depending you may want to block off the engine box with plywood unless your paining the engine
then spray the whole thing
atleast thats what ive seen done, they didnt even pull hoses or levers when painting mine, just sprayed the whole thing yellow, same for the 4BT in it, its now CAT yellow
After 3 crappy chairs in a row over the last 5 years, I finally got a comfortable computer desk chair. I used to go to Staples and buy them in person but the 2 stores near me closed. So buying online you can't try them out first. They all look the same so you have to rely on reviews and many of those are fake. Anyway, I just put this one together last night and I am really happy with it.

Amazon link Neo executive office chair
After 3 crappy chairs in a row over the last 5 years, I finally got a comfortable computer desk chair. I used to go to Staples and buy them in person but the 2 stores near me closed. So buying online you can't try them out first. They all look the same so you have to rely on reviews and many of those are fake. Anyway, I just put this one together last night and I am really happy with it.

Amazon link Neo executive office chair
too fancy!
I have an old komatsu excavator seat for my gaming setup, put dual flight sim sticks on it for running log loaders on farming simulator, one of the most comfortable desk chairs ive ever had!
yeah I still geek out about videogames in my spare time
its even height adjustable and reclines, stuck it on a furniture dolly I got from goodwill for like $3, seat was free, its great