How'd it go today?

Chipper and chip truck in the shop, so myself, Junior and brush monkey wrecked a dead white oak in back yard of neighbor of ex's. Gnarly f'er, about 70 ft tall, crooked limbs, and a couple 20+ footers hanging over fence and shed. A few throw lines over limbs over shed and fence for tag lines, then extra rigging point out on the limbs to get them out. Groundies did well on newly learned throwing skills, pile hitch and running bowline for the 3 limbs we needed to tag out. Cut up and leave job, custy paid me as we were pulling out. A fairly decent 4 hr. jobsite day.
Are you guys noticing more 'leave it' jobs lately? Might be a case of my sporadic attention span, but it seems like I'm reading more leave-its. People trying to shave $?
In this case John, yes on shaving the $, as they've had me take out a bunch of dead Ash the past few months, and are a bit "tired" of having to make out any more checks to me.
Took Sister to the store to stock up on some things 'cause "storm coming"...her idea.

yep, us and every other soul in the surrounding area were there.

Wasn't much on the truck radio while I was waiting in the parking lot except fear mongering about getting to the store 'cause "gonna snow".
I wasn't sure what the rain was gonna do, so I went into work. Pull into the parkinglot and see this...


I've been telling him for two years it needed to be dealt with. I think it took some branches out of the pin oak, but it didn't fall on the fence, so he got lucky. It's looking like the rain's gonna go longer than I thought, but I have the tree to take apart now, so my trip into work wasn't wasted.
I'm back home. I got started on the tree, but I saw ice forming on the truck, and figured it was a good time to get out of dodge. I didn't want to play the slip and slide game getting home. Worked from the tip up, got to head level, and it wasn't really moving. Instead of playing games with a tangle of branches, and maybe dropping it on myself, I got the maasdam out to pull it out of the tree. I had that thing almost maxed out pulling that SOB over. The branches were stronger than I expected. Everything's stable, and I can finish at my leisure now.

Felt like I was in the PNW. Cutting spruce and getting dumped on with rain :^D Might be able to salvage the base of the tree, at least for a little while. One branch wants to be a leader, but has a bad anchor. I'll cut that off, tidy up the top, and see what it does.
Just got some pics from the boss of an uprooted pine. Hit the garage at the office, but no major damage. I thought that might happen. We got a shitload of rain, and now it's blowing like a freight train. Looks like I'll have some fun work at the office coming up.
Took down some toothpicks along side a service today. Had already taken a leaner down over it the other day. Lift was not setting up for the tooth picks. So I told the guy I'd just climb them out toot sweet. Wood stayed on property and brush to the dump. Home by noon after errands. Doubt i spent two hours on the job, but the guy talks a lot. Gave me a bottle of wine for Christmas. I gave him a break on the bill. Just minimum charge. Win Win. 20221223_112829.jpg 20221223_112834.jpg
Just grabbed the boy's tail. I do it suddenly so he's startled, and yells, but it doesn't hurt him. His sister shot over and started walloping him and hissed. That's not the first time. I can't figure the dynamic that's going on here. He regularly pisses her off, so is she getting in on beat the boy time, or is it something else?