Finished the day skidding logs ~500' down the driveway, and put them near a small creek crossing. Making mats is officially out, and I'm considering a bridge over the creek. I have some reservations about that. If it were solely for my use, I'd drag some logs across the banks and call it good. Strangers could end up using it though, and it should be safe enough for someone who doesn't have enough sense to use good judgement. To do it right, and use pine as a bridge?? That's a lot of work for a suboptimal product. It's also a fairly major job, and I still have my fairly major job of cleaning that lot that feels like I'm not making much progress on.
My choker's getting beat up dragging down the driveway, and the skidding cone's getting thrashed. That's what they're for, but I had been doing a good job keeping them fairly nice. The stone driveway's rough on them.
The whole project's getting me down. Trashy rotten pine down all over that needs to be moved to look decent, but is utterly worthless for anything. Some of the more fun and challenging stuff is too far in the future to worry about now. If I start dropping big trees, it's just gonna make a bigger mess to move, but the wood would be nicer to use... I'm just in over my head. What started as a big, but manageable job changed into a major job after talking to the people, and turned into a disaster after clearing brush and seeing what I was really getting into. Oh well... Gives me something to do I guess...