How'd it go today?

Finished the day skidding logs ~500' down the driveway, and put them near a small creek crossing. Making mats is officially out, and I'm considering a bridge over the creek. I have some reservations about that. If it were solely for my use, I'd drag some logs across the banks and call it good. Strangers could end up using it though, and it should be safe enough for someone who doesn't have enough sense to use good judgement. To do it right, and use pine as a bridge?? That's a lot of work for a suboptimal product. It's also a fairly major job, and I still have my fairly major job of cleaning that lot that feels like I'm not making much progress on.

My choker's getting beat up dragging down the driveway, and the skidding cone's getting thrashed. That's what they're for, but I had been doing a good job keeping them fairly nice. The stone driveway's rough on them.

The whole project's getting me down. Trashy rotten pine down all over that needs to be moved to look decent, but is utterly worthless for anything. Some of the more fun and challenging stuff is too far in the future to worry about now. If I start dropping big trees, it's just gonna make a bigger mess to move, but the wood would be nicer to use... I'm just in over my head. What started as a big, but manageable job changed into a major job after talking to the people, and turned into a disaster after clearing brush and seeing what I was really getting into. Oh well... Gives me something to do I guess...
Neighbor next to the office. Boss said they wanted the wood removed that was pushed up next to the woods. Big job for handwork, but doable. I go over and talk to them, and they want the woods basically cleared of junk. Lots of fallen rotting pines, and a rats nest of vines and thorns. I say ok. After getting into it, I find *a lot* more fallen wood hidden in the brush. A 'stretch goal' is dropping some dead pines which I've mentioned elsewhere. Some of the smaller snags are no big deal, but I've got the two real tall ones that will push my ability, and tolerance for height.

They want to put cows in there :rollseyes: This wooded section might be an acre. Cows aren't gonna happen. I think they'd really like all the trees removed, but they're under the impression it isn't allowed by law. I didn't say anything to dissuade them from that opinion ;^) I also left some small trees I liked when I was clearing brush. If they say anything, I'll take them out, but I'd like to see it turn into a hardwood grove, since cows aren't gonna be there. I hope... :^/
I'm back after a few days off, because it seems that an asshole com-tech stole my access port for the internet fiber line at the local board. Again. Third time in less than one year and half. Apparently it's usual. One customer working remotely told me she had this same problem three times before. But the box with the local board is just in front of her house on the sidewalk. So now, each time she hears that someone opens the box's door, she rushes outside to threaten the com-tech !:evil:

My little chipper is down.
I was battling with the electric starter since 3 weeks. The floating gear jammed on its axle and stayed engaged, the little oneway clutch heated hard and melted the plastic actuating fork. I found in a dead starter of my daughter's car a similar fork. Some work with a blade and a flame put the "new" one in a close enough shape to replace the melted one. Close but not quite the same. It worked at first and allowed to finish the big job and some small after, but it was more and more difficult to start the engine, as the starter turns freely and engages the engine only time to time and less and less frequently. I can't figure what's wrong, all the mesurements seem fine.
But an other thing put the chipper out of order. Something broke inside and messed up the timing on one cylinder (18 hp V-twin Köhler). I though initially that one valve was partially stuck, but looking in it, I found one pusher rod bent. The second one is still straight, only because the impact jerked the pusher out of the valve's tail. I haven't looked inside the ckrank case yet to see if it's salvable, but maybe it should be better to just order a new motor.
I have only two jobs to resheddule. But the customers won't be happy, 7 new weeks to wait for them.
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Craned out 5 white oaks today. It was originally 3 then she added 3 and one of the originals couldn’t be reached. Actually had the stick for it but the only place to set up we couldn’t rotate. Boss screwed that one up. Home owner still wants it gone so it’ll be a lot of climbing and the boys will be doing the backyard boogie. I’m still figuring out how to get the spar wood down from the raised patio area. It’s either gonna be a long hike around the yard or sacrificing some landscaping amd a vertical zip. Tree is on the edge of the patio and a very steep hill. Wish I had some pics but my head wasn’t thinking about that today.
Wifey is doing better today after a bit of a scare Monday night. Talked her into going to the ER about 4 am Tuesday. Pisses me off because she was diagnosed wrong Monday afternoon. Some one told her (different ER) it was a muscle tear and found out the pain was from blood clots (better choice of ER). They made it into her right lung. So lots of pills later and she’s doing ok.

kinda long winded
Good to see ya back Marc. Sorry to hear about the chipper.

Glad wifey's ok Rich. Blood clots can be pretty bad.
Climbed a 100 foot fat pondo today. Set a line in the top. Pulled 20 feet of top 180* out of favor into an open pasture. Then took two 8" limbs infested with mistletoe off. Lowered them off the fence whole. Top planted itself up right and had to get pulled over again with the mini. Looked like a big dead christmas tree. Beetle infested. Whole tree will probably die. But hey. I get paid to come back if it does. Sort of like a hail mary for the lady of the house. Stem looked like it was shot with shotshell. Entry holes everywhere. Don't hold your breath sweety.
Done in a couple hours. Went home and reloaded what I was going to shoot tonight.
Nice day.
Coffee break on the top overlooking the river canyon as well. Took a thermos up. Beauty day with a beauty view. Sorry no pics. I was busy :)
Glad y'all caught the clots, Rich...@treebilly. Didn't you say folks were dealing with covid in the family? Is that where the clots came from? It is unusual in my world for someone to suddenly have clots unless they have a pre-disposition (existing heart situation, Afib, clotting disorder, etc.) or a major trauma.
Yes it’s most likely Covid related. In fact that’s why I suspected clots. Pain in the leg and then hip I missed. But when she started mentioning her back and chest I was suspect. Migrated over a few days. Also clots are a possible side effect of medication she was on prior and during. Been monitoring oxygen levels the whole time. Mine has been unaffected and hers is still low 90’s but that could be from unrelated issues. Sleep apnea can cause that.
You're a good thinker, Rich. You may have helped save her a ton of misery. I don't know if you read the other thread about covid but a friend of mine got covid pneumonia and got clots after he got in the hospital. He never had the vaccines so it wasn't from any vaccine. He was afraid of the vaccine because it might cause clots. Very ironic. He has been on a ventilator for just over two weeks now, they have already removed his right leg due to clots. He initially had them in his leg, pelvis, aorta. Glad y'all got hers sorted out. If he survives the covid and the ventilator, he won't have a leg when he wakes up.
Chain is best for skidding over rock
We have cardboard over the windows in the basement office to reduce glare on the computer screens. Boss was whining about how dark it is(perfect!), so I folded a corner back to let light in. Been that way awhile. Today I cut a tree into the cardboard, and covered the window again. Also gives a bonus light tree on the wall...

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Pretty happy with it. I don't think I'll do anything better than that today :^D
Be careful you don’t get sued by Sherrillstuff or at least receive a seise and desist order.
I was thinking yesterday how much I like the cable. Easy to slide under the logs. I still like it, but I understand chain is more durable. One of my learning experiences on this project is to not get too sentimental over gear doing this stuff. Pretty much everything's expendable, and tearing shit up is part of the process.
One of those miscommunication days. 90 year old told me to leave wood in 16” lengths for firewood. Called back all upset saying he told me 14” !!!

Did the removal of the split maple over his wood shop for next to nothing as he is in the same Woodworkers Guild. No good deed goes unpunished.
I’ll go cut them down for him. I’ll need the karma when I am a forgetful 90 year old!

Photo is from 32 years ago, to remind me of better times! DB38D8D4-F5B7-4494-AC01-16E5D058C959.jpeg
hahaha on the karma. Don't throw those 2" pieces away...Mr. "I don't forget sh$t" probably has a plan for them.

Cool picture. It do look old school.
Rich, I know the 14 peaks premise; good movie?

I really enjoyed it.

To quote the man…. “Giving up isnt in my blood”

Amazing achievement. I mean on the way back at base camp from the first summit, they heard another climber was in trouble and hadnt made it down. So they went back up to get him.

On another peak, he climbed it and didn’t bother a to aclimatise at each camp on the way up. He did it in one day with a Hangover. LOL
When was arborplex released? Samson says it was the first purpose built arborist line, but I haven't seen exactly when it was released.