How'd it go today?

No idea with that Cory. I know they almost always grind. That crew usually has an excavator onsite which probably clears around the stumps in rocky conditions. Like I said, I don’t get to play with it. If I’m on their site it’s to take down a big scary tree for them or fell a lot in a hurry.
Ok, had to retire the old Cat phone because it wasn't getting any new android updates any longer. Kind of a bummer because it otherwise functioned pretty good. RIP Cat S60. IMG_20211020_184344_HDR.jpg

Here's the replacement that I am trying to figure out. Crazy camera functions...I hope that I can do it justice. IMG_20211020_184403_HDR.jpg
Maple killing.

Maples are fun and easy, and very machine- handling friendly. Very little manual chipping.

Treemaster and a natural crotch rig.
Ezpz. 20211020_150749.jpg

Just finished dinner and a glass of red.

Time to light the fire.

My gf's band practice is about to happen.

D's Halloween costume arrived.

Good day.
Another day of pre-commercial thinning in the rain.
Even more rain today, there was category 1 flood warnings.
At 10 AM we got smart and went home.
My latest stump...


I'm gonna blame my back. Felt like shit today, but boss said we were going to the job, so I wanted to take advantage of it, and cut the sycamores. Heavy head leaner(12"@cut), so I bored it and cut the back. You can see my level wasn't great on the backcut. I didn't take a pic of the other stump(8"@ cut). I did a terrible job on that one, but could hardly move at that point. It actually worked perfectly for my purposes, but I can't take credit for it. I was concerned about it beating up the gabion baskets, but it just drifted down splitting down the roots as it went. If I wasn't so miserable, I'd have studied the stump to recreate in the future. Poulan#1 performed great. It's turning into an acceptable saw. Just heavy for the power provided. Took some wood back for boss' girlfriend. Sycamore's interesting wood, and I thought she might want to do something with it. Alright day I guess, but it was hot, and my back's being an asshole.
I have almost no use for a flip phone. Talking to people is just about the bottom of my priority list. I use a phone as a portable computer.
Talking to people is just about at the bottom of my list, too. That's why I have a cheapo flip phone. And I have about the same priority for a pocket computer :D.
Rich...we only have the one cell phone between us. So no, that has never happened. :).

Maybe it would make more sense to y'all if I mention that we have next to no cell service at our home. We basically only use the cell phone for travel comms convenience.
Hard to believe there was a time when we would actually leave our home and no one knew where we were or how to contact us. If we absolutely had to call someone while we were out, we had to find a pay phone and make sure we always carried at least one dime in our pocket. Crazy times, for sure!
Forgot. I made a reel for my plumb bob today. Haven't had a use for it in years, but since I've been working with boss, and especially being on the stick end lately, I like using a bob. They make reels for them, but I had a busted tape I wasn't doing anything with, so here it is...


:^D Kinda chunky, but beats dragging a string around with me. BTW, komelon tapes are shit. I've had two now, and they're only worth slightly more than nothing. Lufkin or gtfo. Even with being Chinese now, they're the best you can get, at least for ones marked in decimal feet.
Got a letter from my health insurance provider today. It started like this: "Good news! In 2022, you can keep your current Health Plan."

Page 3 had the not-so-good news that my premium will be 3 times the current premium. A 300% increase! Never had a claim and I'm in excellent health. go figure. I guess someone has to pay for the "free" stuff.
Hard to believe there was a time when we would actually leave our home and no one knew where we were or how to contact us. If we absolutely had to call someone while we were out, we had to find a pay phone and make sure we always carried at least one dime in our pocket. Crazy times, for sure!

My kids think I am talking out of my arse when I mention things like that.

I really don’t know how we survived. Actually I do, when we said we were going to meet someone at 17.45 we were there usually just before or just after.

Arrangements these days are usually, I’ll see you about 6 ish but I will call you when I am near. That usually means anywhere from 17.45 to 18.30.
If I waited til my back didn't hurt, I wouldn't do anything. Starting the saw's the easier part of the operation. Maneuvering around limbs while holding the saw, and dragging brush are worse. I'm hoping I get lucky, and it's better by the weekend, but I'm not expecting it. I'd like to get some logs cut and staged for milling to make those mats.
Well we are neaded up to Fox Point to my brothers to canopy raise 17 spruce and one spruce removal. Hour and fifteen away but I have to drive thru Milwaukee first during rush hour and back the other way during evening rush hour, hoping I can miss that. Three sets of house drops and three sets of comm lines and three sets of phone lines. Back yard looks like a goddamned spider web. All the reasons I left Milwaukee in the first place.