How'd it go today?

I never realized what a lousy lot in life “Pool life” could be… earlier I saw a dead beetle in the pool.

The umbrella drinks are expensive, honestly I saved my first umbrella and keep adding tequila and ice to the cup.
There is a +1 so anyone is welcome in F-M… just ring me up.
I’m absolutely free with my opinions and advice. Just ask my wife about Man Splaining. I never knew the word til I met her.

you’re right Raj, I’m showing off the fact that I’m too lame for cool tree pics anymore… so I’m going in the other direction describing how lame I’ve become.
I had one ball removed to check my ego.

we can’t all just dump fat trees or run huge cranes or feed half silver maples into Vermeer chippers w mini loaders w trick attachments… Somebody has to write the planners and apply for the tree removal permit and pay the fees. Yup that’s me now. Mr Paper Tree. :)
Didn't do much today. As soon as I got in the office, and boss said the secretary's computer was dead. I went and looked at it, and confirmed it was indeed dead. Power went out Friday, and it appears it took the power supply with it. Ordered another one, and that should fix it.

Did an easy foundation cert, went back to the office, and upgraded my computer. I should have waited. Virtualbox isn't available for it yet, and I spent the rest of the day trying to get wine or qemu working as a replacement. No success. I need a virtual machine(with win 2kpro) for a single ancient program to communicate with my data collector. I can work around it, but it's much slower, and more of a pita. I'll keep playing with it as I get time. It would be nice doing it with in house tools. I've also thought about running it through wireshark to see if I can figure out what secret sauce they're using to speed up transfers. I should be able to do it natively in debian if I could figure it out. Company's long gone, so I can't ask anyone.

Oh, and I paid my gas & electric bill today. My $500 payment last December lasted til now. Pretty good I think.

Did you try turning it off and then turn it on again?
I think this week's a washout for making grass shorter. I'm heartbroken :^D Maybe Monday. I try to push it as far forward as I can. Means less shortenings over the season.
Was supposed to see Korn and Staind in concert next week. Got canceled because Jonathan Davis got Covid. Bummer, bet it would’ve been a kickass show, and I love this venue when the weather is nice. Hopefully he shakes it off.

Another day another dead ash.
Was grateful for a nice healthy shagbark hickory that I was able to tie myself into. Nice wood swingset, deck, shed, and fence in range. Went pretty smoothly. No action shots, but here’s a before.
I was standing in their vegetable garden when I took the pic. Still a decent amount of room, maybe 35’ or so.
To me it's like swimming. You use the same basic strokes to stay afloat and move through the water. But sometimes it's calm clear water and sometimes it's a murky and moving river. Sometime it is shallow surf and sometimes just a deep ocean when you can't even see the bottom. The basic strokes work in each situation but you got to choose the right stroke and be aware of the different dangers. Keep your eyes open, do your best and be consistent in being careful that'll improve your chances of coming out on the other side.
A flammables cabinet eh?
You gonna ground it?
All the yellow cabinets at work are grounded, but they’re hyper vigilant about static sparks. One spark in the wrong area could probably rapidly build a new inlet to the Niagara river.