How'd it go today?

Good news is I got to pound stakes today, bad news it was hot as shit again. Good news is we weren't near the city, so it wasn't quite as hot as yesterday. Bad news is it was more humid, and less breezy. Mixed day, but a positive on the whole I think. I like moving around and doing stuff. The day goes faster, and my back hurts less. Have some paperwork to do tonight which kinda sucks, but whatever. It's part of the gig.
I was doing a job yesterday, I see a guy walking up the street, obviously a solicitor, I'm wearing my hard hat etc, covered in sweat, saws and trucks everywhere, he comes up to me and says "are you the homeowner'? Um no. "Are they home?' I said idk but almost said no to save them from having to shoo away this idiot who was peddling pest control services. I go back to work and half hour later I see the guy plus the husband and wife custys (both in their 80s) sitting in the sun on the back patio talking and laughing like they've known each other for years.

Well alrighty then.

We finish the job around 12 ish, I go back around 3ish to cut a couple suckers I forgot to cut, and the pest control pickup truck is already there doing an app. Um wow, guess I could learn a thing or two about soliciting. :/:
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Annoying, but interesting day in the heat. Me and one of the noobs did work up at my brother's condo complex. First was an annoying deadwood prune on a linden, with no decent crotch that would allow a tie-in point (all the freakin limbs are vertical, and the crotches all tight as can be). Took about 20 throw line tosses/big shots to finally get a low one so I could use the pole saw to get them. Then did a removal on a corkscrew willow. Funkiest, heaviest damn willow I'e ever seen. Tree was causing drainage issues, appears the roots had pierced the underground downspout drain and was drinking that in, as well as causing flooding/erosion issues. This is the the pic sent to me, too damn hot for me to whip out phone for a photo. Amusing little climb to deal with limbs close to house/leaning the wrong way, as well as leave the bushes below intact.

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Dealing with multiple, older, repeat customers recently, I've seen the decline.

Maybe be easier if I jot them some notes as we go...definitely not on a virtual keyboard😀.
Another yucky MD day. Routine work, but I found thus guy in my driveway when I got home...


That's super cool. I don't see many turtles anymore generally, and I couldn't say when I last saw one on my property. Hopefully Spot leaves him alone.
Years ago I was taking my daughter to school, and saw an enormous snapper in the road. He was so big, his shell got laid open by a car's undercarriage. I stopped, and was trying to push him off the road with a survey stake, and he wasn't having any of it. Digging in his claws, and hissing. I did eventually get him off the road. Dunno how he made out with his shell damage, but I did what I could.
My second week into this gig and I shut down the parking lot and entrances. Pissed a bunch of 20 somethings off.
Got tired of it. The owner told them we would wait till 8am to start so as not to make them move out too early. All our equipment, trucks, trailer, owners trailer and skid steer, our mini, chipper, rented lift. Pounding trees out. Owner adds more then askes for approx finish date. He's about added two trees a day here this week.
Then the parking issues. Tenants were told cars out to alternative parking by 8. Ha! I knock and no answer. I was being ignored.3 people in that one apartment and cant answer the door. One dudes girl friend kept moving her truck each day, but always in the middle of a turn about blocking most of it. So today, cars were out and the one good tenent as well, parked were he was supposed to. Now, this back parking is also a through way. So the idiots came back, blocked my other egress because they parked like idiots since there is plenty of room. Then they screwed themselves by bringing friends. They tried to get the GF to move her truck in so they could bring in 3 more into the parking area vloser to the units. I went over to my signs in front of them. I yelled, "Aint none of you crossing these cones! Stay out of the parking area as you were told.!" Then her BF comes out, usless fug I know through Seth and was just let go from his job from his also land lord cause he is ...... usless. He starts up with some dude in the alt parking. Gets on yhe phone glaring at me. Dude in the alt parking is mad cause he cant park closer and leaves. Nothrr dude pokes his head out window and him and usless are conferring. Next, I guess usless calls the sherriff. Sherriffs talk to him and they can see we are trying to clear trees Ive dumped in the parking lot and driveways. I have everything signed. They never came to talk to me. Just smile, wave and take off.
So usless finally gets in his car and scoots off.
I see the wifey owner next door playing with he kids and gave her a heads up. She asks, "usless again". I says 'yup'.
She smiles. Says it's looking great and thanks for working so hard in the heat. Ha!
Some days, ya just have to chuckle.