How'd it go today?

Going on 6-10's again next week after a week of 8's. 6 a.m. to 4 p.m. is a good shift. Lots of time left in the evenings and I don't sleep past 3 a.m. very often. Lots of treework last year, one call this year. Word of mouth mostly and nobody is talking. Shutdown/turnaround at the plant this fall which is when people will want treework I'm sure.
Good to hear you guys are still hanging and banging, i figured you got on some good ot and dissappeared for a bit.
Went good for me today. Deadwooding the Doug fir right in front of the house...the one M looks at while sitting in her porch rocker...the one she says about, "there's a dead limb; that would look nicer if it was cut out" :D.

No pics. I feel sorta stupid taking pictures of such a lame little bit of tree work :). But it was nice to get up there and move around in a handsome tree, for true.
I went in for an eye exam this morning; first one ever, other than the routine eye chart thing for my driver's license. My vision has been getting worse since I turned 40-something and about a month or two ago I started seeing floaters in my left eye. Next thing I know, I'm being sent to a retina specialist for emergency laser surgery to repair two horseshoe tears on my retina. Apparently, I was about to experience a detached retina which would have resulted in blindness. Funny how things work out sometimes.
Glad they caught it in time.

My vision is actually improving, at least for distance. Can't see anything up close with my contacts in.
I don't get it. What's the key do?

Did a little cleanup today with the chainsaw. I also went out tonight and got a new lamp for my post. The old one was completely broken. Had enough time to install it, flip the switch, and... Nothing. It worked a couple years ago I think. I'll have to fool with it tomorrow.
We got home from a long overdue vacation late Friday night. Spent yesterday unpacking and shortening the grass. Also bought a new washing machine. Old one is almost 15 years old and we’ve been nursing it along for over a year. I got tired of fixing it. Whooped some weeds this morning and making breakfast soon.
Spent yesterday afternoon with my son at my friend's house configuring our little 4th of July celebration. Sneaky little pyros that we are...



The main board is all fused together and should last just north of 5 mins. The side board has about a 35 sec. delay between each going off during the main board. Makes for a pretty good finale after all the other fun stuff gets shot off.

Happy 4th everyone!
@BeerGeek, Are you using anything interesting as far as electronics go to fire them off?

Got my lightpole working. It was a minor ordeal. Found out why it didn't light. I must have hit the pole with the brushcutter, and it cut the wires inside. I saw the gash, but I swear I don't remember brushcutting around it.

The pole is crunched at the bottom cause decades ago, kids in the neighborhood thought it was good fun to bend over lightpoles. Those little fuckwits grew up, moved out, and hopefully have died painful deaths at this point. I don't know where the end of the pole is, and my exploratory excavation didn't find it loosening amongst the roots, so I just snapped it off. I hammered each end roundish, stuffed a piece of locust in the stub, and fitted them together. My splice of the romex failed the first time. I don't think I have any here, and had very little extra room to work. I think my wires crossed by poking through the splicing tape. I cut a water bottle up, and wrapped the strands with the plastic. Put it all back together for the Nth time, and success!

Put everything together good, and look at the pole figuring out how I'm gonna handle the bottom. Dig a piece of pvc out of the garage with the intent of sleeving the bottom, and GODDAMMIT. gotta take it all apart again to get the pvc on. Get my can of sprayfoam to seal the top, and it failed. Can was rusty, and nothing was coming out. Got some of the foam my generator came packed in, and trimmed that down, and stuffed it in the top. All that's left is collecting rocks from work, and piling them around the bottom to disguise the pvc, and figure out exactly how I'll trim the plants around it. Oh, and I lost a screw cap to put one side of the top on. I'll have to dig around the house, and see if I can find something. If not, I'll buy one from the hardware store.

I don't have a problem paying for a new pole, but I think it'll be a pita to install due to the plants around it, and I don't know what I'll find in the ground as far as wiring goes. I think it's better dealing with what I've got, and my fix should last many years.