How'd it go today?

Two words from my lazy-ass retired platform, Stephen..."more money".

Meaning, if they want you there one single moment past the very first job description, then the price they ought to be paying you should be something like...200% what it would have been if asked for up front.

Fer gad's sake...they want you to postpone already scheduled work for other paying clients???

Not in my universe is that without proper this sort of situation, proper would be defined by me as usury, at best ;).

Frankly, that sort of foolishness probably should be responded to with stupidly and stupendously outrageous pricing that makes it worth your while to put your other customers back from the planned schedule.

Just my mildly riotous personal opinion, of course :lol:.
I saw that and obviously agree completely, my good friend; just wanted to make clear how dumb it would be to do otherwise, all the time knowing you are as far from dumb as I am from young :).

Probably farther :D.
Monterey California has come up with a solution for clean renewable energy. First they banned overnight camping/ parking in the city to keep the rif-raff out. Then they hook up a generator to John Steinbeck's coffin as he rolls over in his grave.
If you don't mind, spell that out for me? Did JS write something that extolled riff raf/sneaky camping?
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went back into shortoff,...climbed dopey duck and a couple other...........but not naked like this chap

PS, he died last year soloing a thing callled energizer in the same area, broke a hold
Lol natural ascent.

Its amazing how much the rock in many of those far away shots looks identical to white birch bark.
Rained it's ass off today. I stayed home, and did a bit less than an hour of paperwork. Seems like we hardly ever get normal rain anymore. Sometimes it's just showers, but any real rain day comes in 'better start building an ark' volumes.
Buckets for an elevator at a cement plant. I don't know if it's maintenance or emergency repair. 167' tip height, and they had to boom up to get it all out.
Hit the Salinas Valley for some more of that feeling. Go to the National Steinbeck Center/Museum if they are open.
Doesnt hurt to go play in Monterey Bay and the Aquarium while you are at it. If they are open.

If nothing else, get some chowder samples on the Fishermans Warf. Cannery Row and all that.
Today kinda kicked my ass, and I didn't do much real work. Went to the city to monitor the failing building, and my gun wouldn't boot up. Had to drive back to the office to get a different gun. 45 minutes each way, so I have 3 hours of driving for .5 hours of work. The building's dropped about 2" so far, and it's starting to lean in towards the site under construction. The engineer we're working for said there isn't a footing under that wall(?!). Dunno how he knows that, but that's insanity. My hillbilly engineering I've been running through my head can't derive a fix either. I don't know how you could jack it up at this point. The way the wall's buckled, lifting at the bottom, could cause the wall to bow more rather than raise. Maybe run laterals first tying the wall into the other side before jacking? They've either evacuated it, or are ready to. There's guys inside doing stuff.

Went to another job, and didn't do anything hard. It was the driving that killed me. Back still doesn't feel right, but it isn't so bad. Feels like there's a knot at the base of my back, but it only hurts a little, which is to say I can do most things, but it takes longer. This is kind of a new thing. Not sure I've had this before, but it's better than some of the alternatives.

Got back to the office and opened the keypad to the dead gun, which is where the problem's originating from. Hoping to see something obvious, but I didn't see much. Put it back together, put it on the gun, and still nothing. Take it off, give a *really* hard whack, and it's working so far. Hopefully it'll maintain cause it's our only working robot. Boss will have to come on my construction jobs if it doesn't hold out, and/or I can't find exactly where the problem's originating from.

You know the saying "Violence is never the solution"? I've always thought that was BS. Violence solves every problem. It may or may not be the best solution, but it's always *a* solution. From misbehaving computers, to intransigent humans. Violence will fix it(see above). If nothing else, there's problems that *only* violence can fix. If you avoid that solution, you'll get steamrolled...