How'd it go today?

Back went out today while selecting breakfast at wegmans(got Chesapeake sushi and Thai chicken something or other). I was reaching for the chicken, and my back said "frig you!". Ended up gasping for air for a second or two. It isn't as bad as it can get, but pretty sore.

I moved some firewood to the top of the hill til I couldn't take it anymore. Did it 2-4 pieces at a time. It's sunnier up there, and I'm moving from a shady spot before it all turns into a pile of rot. Still have a bunch more to get. Hoping my back settles down this week. Have to fix the grass shortener also. It's getting close to that time of year :^(
Took down two hazard oaks with the lift at two different accounts on my list of things to do. I have the lift for one more week of it, so best make hay. HO clean ups both. All we had to do is move the brash and wood so I could retreat when done. Both tipped nicely. 6 hours work. New neighbor the last one. Nice fella from the Dominican republic and his lovely wife that was a model in NY. They also cooked us a Dominican dinner of rice, lentils, chicken in chili sauce. Yummy. Back to the church tomorrow. More crown raising, dead wooding and LED lights to install.
Barberrys are sharp. Putting the track back on is already unpleasant enough without getting stabbed. Hoe chucking is logging with an excavator.
Hah, hah Dave, hoe çhucking is done with a log loader designed for such purpose...most excavators are not meant for that. Not trying to be a jerk but shovel logging is tough on the equipment.
Hah, hah Dave, hoe çhucking is done with a log loader designed for such purpose...most excavators are not meant for that. Not trying to be a jerk but shovel logging is tough on the equipment.
I know what hoe chuckin' is. It is being used here as a joke. I have a short video of using a 4t mini excavator moving firewood. Just for laughs. :)
Well, my ship has come in! I just got an email from some lady with the UN that says I’m among the beneficiaries of some fund from the UN. I’m to be paid the sum of $800,000. The catch is, the UN has directed them to send it to me $9000 per day. No biggie....that won’t take but 88 days. I’m fickna run take a shower and head to town to do some shopping. Got to figure out how I’ll spend all this money!
Spent the day in bed. Woke up and could hardly move, so I called in. One of my clients wants their Wed appt moved to tomorrow. Feeling a bit better, so I think I can get it if nothing goes wrong tonight, but boss said he'd help if necessary. I usually do the highway construction jobs by myself.
Yet another fun day clearing ROW. Had a phone conference with environmental that was rather irritating. An hour to basically remind me that I can’t run equipment in the wetlands so I reminded them that I’ve been hand felling everything for the last three weeks. Also they added four more miles of ROW to be cleared by March 31. I told them they better mark the bat trees and hope I have time to get all those dealt with and that there is no way that we can have everything down by the environmental deadline. I also reminded them that the bat season is almost 6 months long and that releasing the contracts with less than a month left seems ignorant to expect completion. Also I found out that I will be having another inspector to keep an eye on starting tomorrow. Apparently it’s warm enough that turtles might be wondering around and they are now the rulers of the world. I hope that squirrels and raccoons are never spotted by them or I’ll have wait for them to leave before working as well. Tension is high at work right now. Same as every year at this time. We will see if I can last till Monday before inviting a project manager out to personally tell me that I have to get something done. My inspector has money on me snapping this week yet. I’ve worked with him for many years and he has had to relay my thoughts to his office many times.
@Tree09 I do ok for a dumb tree cutter😉
Crew leader meeting this morning got a little heated. We were addressing the issue of a few guys that no one wants to work for. Had to explain that not everyone works well when being yelled at. Then some miscommunication between me and the boss put me a few hours behind. No big deal. The kid working with me can’t run a loader for shit so I asked him to do the felling. He did really well. A little slow but accurate and that’s what counts. And just like that it’s lunchtime and looking to finish the Y camp in a few more hours. Planning on walking the next section of ROW by 3 pm
Today sucked. My back was still pretty sore, and I had to layout an abutment, a box culvert, and some stormdrain. I was just about at the limit of pain I can take and still get stuff done. Moved like a snail, and just about everything was a major ordeal. Calling for rain tomorrow, so that's good. I think I'll stay home, and do a little paperwork.
Nah, I avoid that kind of stuff. I try to just deal with it til it's better. I can usually work around it by taking a day or two off, and/or taking it easy, but it didn't really work out this time. I don't think I ever have a painfree day if I really pay attention. Sometimes it's muted enough that it isn't a problem and I don't notice unless I try to, but something always hurts.
Feel for ya Rich. Dude, I don't know how you keep up with all that. Let alone your sanity.

My job keeps getting bigger I am on. I have tried for two days to pull out of the place and they keep adding on. Money spends, but I do have other customers that need this lift before it goes back. Told the dude today we were out as of Thursday, any more additional work will have to be scheduled further out. This job has gone from a crown raise and prune job to a full on fire clearance around a church compound even crossing property lines with the property owners permissions of course. Dealing with about 4X the amount of material easily. Maybe more. One of those, "and one more thing " jobs. Charge accordingly.