How'd it go today?

Sounds pretty close to risking one's life, Jim :). I know something about working all day out in weather like that, far from can get deadly in a heartbeat.
Jim, just so you know. That kind of snow here is a major catastrophe...panic in the streets, grocery stores bought out, everything closes. My grandkids can't wait for it to happen!
Actually had a little white out here yesterday. Went for a run to the store for lemons and hot dog buns for some chili dogs. The front hit with winds and driven snow. Wheeeee!
Poor tourists were all buggered on the highway.
Kids seem to have a cold. Touch of it myself. Levi went on a work trip with a friend and his dad doing a roof up in Yosemite last week and brought it home from the crew. Long days in the cold damp will do that. Seth works on his crew and was there too.
Now the boss and family went to Hawaii. Kids wish they were there :lol:
Poor Lilly is miserable. But she loves snow.
Bery little on the ground this morning and it has melted right off. I called it a day off since the ground got so muddy with 3 days of moisture. Mini would have sunk moving the logs we needed to do.
Made my world famous pasta salad with smoked salmon Saturday for dinner. The real goal was to have it for lunch this week. Tasted kinda bland. Could have used more tomato. I added a small can of some Italian stuff I got from aldi, but it could have used more. That wasn't the problem though. I had it for lunch today, and realized I forgot the pickled jalapeño slices! That's one of the most important parts! Haven't looked yet, but I'm hoping I have a jar around here somewhere.

Otherwise, it was a routine day. Staked out a house with the boss on the other side of the world. Took 7.5 hours including the drive, and trying to find some corners to use. Pretty easy day.
Hard to get a feel for the scale there. Is that dark strip on the right development, or a hedge row?

referring to the first pic
Really looks nice out there. See many critters when the snow hits? Maybe coyote or something? You can see forever out there, and I'd think they'd really stand out, at least early in the season. Do they get winter coats?
Can you do anything with that much snow? Might seem like a silly question, but how do you get to the grocery store or is that where preparing for winter comes in?
Prepare. But that much is hardly stopping traffic up here. As Gary said you southerners call out the national guard not so much north of the Mason Dixon line.